This past Tuesday and Wednesday, mom voluteered her services to help out with the health screening at Mimi's school. Her job was to do the eye exam for the kids k-5. Mom did not get to test
Mimi's eyes but she did several of Mimi's friends. Mimi did however pass mom in the hallway when her class went to their music class and mom heard a loud "HI MOM!!!" from Mimi or "HI, MIMI's MOM!" from her friends as they passed me in the hallway. It warmed her heart. The fish is what the kids used to cover their eyes and they were all quite pleased to know that they could keep them. Mimi has more than one (since mom forgot that she still had them in her pocket) so she has decided to color the other ones a rainbow color.

When the testing was done for the day, mom went to peek into Mimi's classroom only to find that they were out on the playground, so mom tried to be quiet as a mouse and peek around the corner of the building to watch the kids play. She found Mimi playing jump rope and much to mom's amazement, Mimi is very proficient in jumping rope! Today after school Mimi handed mom this note from her teacher at school. Apparently our Mimi not only has been working hard at practicing jumping rope but is encouraging her friends also. We are so proud of her.