Friday, December 4, 2009


For quite some time now dad has been working on a project up in Everett. Last night at the Comcast Arena the Providence Children's Hospital hosted a humongous fund raiser. Oh there were soooo many gorgeous Christmas decorations to be seen. These are only a couple of the pictures I took. The one to the right was put together by dad's company ZGF (Zimmer Gunsel Frasca). The one to the left, I don't know who made it but I liked it because it just looks like a fun tree.
Because I knew that it would be a all night event, I was able to work it out with Brandy so that Mimi could have a sleepover with Halliwell. Mimi was totally excited "Mom, today at lunch I am going to eat with Halli and we can discuss our plans for the sleepover"
Believe it or not, I left our Brandy's house at 4:45 pm and arrived in Everett at 7:00. I truly have a whole lot of appreciation for dad having to drive this way each and every single day.


The temperature is on the dipping side. This is the frost from this morning as I was walking Butch around the neighborhood after dropping Mimi off from school. The picture to the right is just about how dark it is when Mimi comes home from school at 4:00 p.m. Those little white specks you see is not dust, it is actually snow. Our first for the season although it is already snowing up in them thar hills.