Saturday, July 5, 2008


Mimi: Knock, knock
Mama: Who's there?
Mimi: Banana
Mama: Banana who?
Mimi: Banana Rooney Posit Tooney! Ha,Ha, Ha, Ha!!!!!

The funny part of this joke is that only Mimi thinks it's funny. She loves laughing at her own jokes. It justs really gets her going and she loves making mama do it over and over again until she says STOP!


Since Mimi had to have her hair cut short again, she is back to being called einsteinhead.


Papa's birthday is not till next Friday but mama decided to start celebrating early. This morning she cooked one of papa's favorite breakfast of bacon and french toast. One cannot tell by looking at the picture but the french toast is in the shape of two interlocking hearts. Mimi let papa borrow her birthday hat for the picture.
We are all (except for Mimi) still quite pooped from last night's get together. Therefore we are not doing much today. Stopped by grandma's and grandpa's for a short visit. Grandpa was feeling way too tired yesterday to join us in the festivities therefore they stayed home. He said that he is feeling much better today. Grandma is planning to have knee surgery this coming August 12th.
After our visit with them we headed over to Red Robin for lunch then on to the new Home Depot.
Tomorrow we are going to check out the Sundae Ice Cream Ferry ride on Lake Union, then dinner at our favoriet Japanese restaurant.