This morning was Mimi's first ever soccer game and she was grrrrrrreat!!! Before the game started we swung by grandpa's to pick him up and take him to the game with us. Anything that involves running and kicking, our Mimi is all up in it. In the beginning of the game Spencer was the goalie and if I do say so myself he was pretty darn good himself. Didn't let the other team score a point. Then came Mimi's turn to be the goalie and she too kept the other team from scoring that is........ until she let a ball get by her that was kicked into the net by HER OWN TEAMMATE!!! Mimi's teammates kept trying to kick the ball to her and Mimi in turn was yelling to them saying "GO THE OTHER WAY!!!" What can one say? After all this is the pee wee league that consists of 3-5 year olds. All in all everyone had a good time.