entrance to Freddie's Playland at our local Fred Meyer's grocery store.
Their rules for entry to the playland have changed to the dismay of
some of my mom friends.
When we first moved up here in 2007, the rules were any child up to
the age of 6 could enter. However there are quite a few tall 6 year
olds up here of which Mimi's friend Alex is one of them. He was denied
entry because everyone including the manager would not believe that he
is 5 (at the time in 2008) because he is taller than the archway. This
really made Katrina mad. Management said that the archway is the
proper height for a kindergartner and that if Alex was to sit on any
of the furniture he would break it. Heck, both dad and I have stood on
Mimi's furniture and they're still in great working order.
Management has since changed the rules. They now say that any kid who
can fit under the archway is allowed to enter. This picture was taken
this afternoon. For good or bad, Mi still
Fits under and people still think she's a 5 year old.