Today was the first time Mimi has had any friends sleepover at our house.
The day began with Sarah coming over to the house at 10:30 then Blake shortly there after. They three of them get along so well, it's almost as if they had known each other all of their lives. Sarah also enjoys being the "leader" as she is the oldest (almost 8 yrs old in a week or two).
Since the weather was so gorgeouse outside everyone played football in the backyard. Then it was pizza for lunch and on to gymnastics for Mimi. Sarah and Blake tagged along. When the gymnastics was over, mama took everyone for ice cream at McDonald's. There they all had a grand time playing in the playground. While we were there, our neighbor Bridget showed up with her two kids Elissa and Justin. Then everyone really had a good time.
When the McDonald's was over we all went home to our neighborhood park and Mimi met up with a few more of her friends. She was in 7th heaven. Usually the weather is rainy now so the kids tend to stay indoors more, but when the weather is gorgeous like today, nothing gets done at home because EVERYONE IS OUT ENJOYING THE SUNSHINE.
The funny thing is the weather could be 50 degrees outside but if there is no wind and you are in the sunshine it feels as if it is 70 or 75 degrees.
When everyone was done with the park it was decided that they all should come over to Mimi's house and they did. I just love the sound of kids having a good time.
By nightfall it was time for them all (except Sarah our sleepover guest) to go home for dinner.
After dinner, Sarah led us in our nightly evening prayers (Gongyo) and Mimi was her assistant in ringing the bell. By 8;30 pm Blake was feeling a bit lonely at home and the girls wanted him to join them in the sleepover. Mama gave Keri a call and soon Blake was here to join them. The nice thing about having friends in the neighborhood is that you don't have to drive or at least not far if you do.
Mimi still didn't quite understand the concept of a sleepover "mama, why are Blake and Sarah still here? Why don't they go home?" Mama explained and now she understands.
All is quiet in the Putney household now and mama is ready to fall asleep at the computer.