Sunday, May 3, 2009


One never ever knows what Mimi will say next. On the way home from our buddhist meeting this morning, I made mention that I was going with Brandy to another mom's home for a get together. I also made mention that Mimi was going to stay home with her dad as Halliwell is doing the same with her dad John.

Mimi: Dad, can you handle a playdate????
Dad: Playdate with who?
Mimi: With anyone!

As it turns out, Mimi and Halliwell had a playdate together while the moms were out on a playdate of their own.


The other day I purchased this small laser light in which Ollie could care less about but the two arch enemies Butch and Stanley goes nuts over.


A couple of months ago while shopping for shoes for the father/daughter ball, I discovered that Mimi had outgrown the velcro tennins shoes. Now it was time for her to learn how to tie her own shoe laces. Doggone it!!! While at the South Center Mall way back in March I bought this shoe for her to practice on. It is the same kind of shoe that I used in kindergarten many moons ago. I showed her how to do it and within a couple of days she had it down pat. "What a smart cookie she is!" my dad would say.
While at school the other day when Ollie decided to follow us there, Mimi held him in her arms while all of the other girls petted him (he was truly in kitty heaven then). I noticed Mimi's shoe was untied and made mention for her to tie them. Without skipping a beat she stuck her foot out in front of her girlfriends and said "tie it!!!" like she was the Queen of Sheba. As you may have guessed it, her friends put her in her place by saying "tie it yourself!" then proceeded to give her the "evil eye". I guess you could consider this more of life's lessons for six year olds. Fortunately they don't hold any grudges against each other either and continue to be best buddies.