Winter will be here before you know it. In fact I saw on Mimi's school calendar that this coming Saturday marks the official first day of winter. It seems just like yesterday that we were sweltering in 100 degree heat. In fact today we actually had a break in the gloom. Almost everyone was out and about. Mimi and I took advantage of the weather and went out to Target for the snow boots and Uwajimaya for lunch. When we got home we went to the neighborhood park to have some fun. Even Butch got to have some fun playing with the kids.
Mimi has outgrown her ski clothes from last year and is out of the ski bibs. She has graduated to pants. This is only 1/10 th of the snow clothes she has. It is not counting how many pairs of scarfs and gloves and caps she has. The white coat is what she wears to school and you may have noticed the lime green jacket. There is a reason for that and the reason seems that almost everyone on the slopes has either a red or black outfit. The little boys usually wear black or blue and the little girls are in red or pink. With this lime green jacket, we will be able to spot Mimi quite easily. Fortunately as of now she does not need new ski boots but dad says that he is going to take both his and Mimi's ski's in to get the bindings readjusted.