Tuesday, October 16, 2007


This was the conversation on the way home from the indoor gym yesterday:
Mimi: Mama, you see that sign? It says S-T-O-P, that means stop.
Mama: (mama was pointing to a different sign) What does that sign say?
Mimi: It says the same thing S-T-O-P, so you have to stop.

After school yesterday, Mimi came home with the following notice: During the last half of October and Early November your child will be participating in our developmental screening. The primary purpose for screening our students is to obtain a sampling of each child's abilities and behaviors. Please note that this is simply a screen NOT a test. These assessments assist our teachers in planning a more appropriate program for our students. Brigance Screening is the method we have chosen.

Then the letter goes on to explain the Brigance Screening. When they are done. They will send the results home with Mimi.

For the most part, according to the teacher, Mimi is doing quite well in class. The teacher says that when the kids are in circle time and there is something that Mimi does not want to participate in, she will fold her arms and frown. Then there is no way she will participate once her mind is made up. She is quite a hard head at times. It should be quite interesting as to what they will find with this screening test.