Thursday, August 26, 2010


We arrived home around 6:30 in the evening and still the kids wanted to play together. It was also the night of the BBQ for her karate class at Lake Wilderness. She really was looking forward to it. But since we came home late and the weather is starting to get yucky (cold, windy and raining), I really did not feel up to going. So we bypassed that activity too.

Instead she scarfed down her dinner and headed over to Shad's house. Blake got wind of what was going on and decided he wanted to ditch his grandpa (a huge deal) who is visiting from out of town and go play with his friends. This boy really hates to miss out on any kind of fun. Can ya blame the little fella?

By the time 8:00 rolled around, it was time for the gang of friends to break up and go their separate ways.

Mimi has always liked card games but now she is getting into playing board games and really loves the game of Battleship. Also found out from Coach Kelly that there is a Pirates of the Carribean Pirateship game that I wanted to get and have yet to find.

So while I was out walking Butch, Mimi and dad played games till it was time to hit the sack. Butch was kinda tuckered out too after his romp with a new friend by the name of Roxy. Roxy is a puppy St. Bernard and she is just a smidgen bigger than Butch. But then again, who isn't?


Although we did not go inside, this was another photo op.


As usual, we can never go into the city without riding the monorail to the Pacific Science Center which is where we had lunch. We were famished!

The kids really wanted to go to the Children's museum there but due to the lack of time, we bypassed it. Also they wanted to go on the rides at the amusement park but we bypassed that also due to the same reason. Not enough time.

Finally found the place called Little Shanghai and we purchased a cute pant outfit for Mimi. Unlike in the past years where she did not care for any Chinese outfit, she loves this one and wants to wear it all the time. Surprise, surprise!


Mimi was really missing her boys.

Next month together with our China family up here, we are going to celebrate the Moon Festival with them. Mimi has agreed to wear a Chinese outfit for the occassion and as she has none, I thought that it would be a great idea to go into the city for one.

Before we left, we had a little time so I told her that it would be ok for her to go next door and play with Shad while I finished getting ready. If she could have been there in a nano second, she would have.

When it was time to go, she asked Shad if he would like to join and so he did.