Soon as all of the shopping was done, we had just enough time to grab a quick bite to eat at Starbucks and head to karate lessons at the lake. By the time we got home it was already 7:00 in the evening. There was still dinner to put on the table and some light housekeeping to do. In the meantime old Butch who has been cooped up all day wanted someone to play with him. I tell you, it is never ending around here. Never dull either. Now at 11:10 pm, dad and the kid are in bed and I am able to have some time to myself. This is usually the time I have to myself and when the house is quiet.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
This morning we headed over to the library for storytelling. One of the summer activities that Mimi loves. Next week will be the last one for the summer. That is kind of sad as we really like the librarian that does the storytelling.
Next of the list of things to do for the day was going over to Costco to buy a few groceries then get pizza to eat in the car on our way to North Bend Outlet mall where we could buy a few more of school clothes, tights and shoes. However mom did not get to stop at the Coach outlet store as we did not have much time left ;-( Oh well, that will have to wait until Mimi is in school (full day). Then I could go by myself. However I was able to purchase a very nice handbag and shoes at Nine West. In this particular video is Mimi's idea of shopping. Almost forgot to mention that I have only heard this particular song a million times as it is on one of Mimi cd's. It is now a million + 1 times.
Now that my iPhone is updated, the settings are slightly changed and I am trying to figure things out. I can now upload tunes and videos on my phone. Woo Hoo! It comes in handy when I am sitting around at her practices.
This is a picture of Mimi and her piano teacher whom we call Ms. Celia. I took their picture with my phone camera this past Tuesday. This is a new thing for me to do with my phone that I could not do before. So therefore I was using this picture as a test and it worked! I'm excited.
I thought the girl was in her room so I loudly called out to her about getting ready to go. No response. I then got up to see that she had gone downstairs in the living room to watch a little tv. I called out several more times. Again no response. Finally in a normal tone of voice I said "Since Mimi cannot answer me, I will have to keep her cd player and music". Then all of a sudden a voice from the great beyond cries out "Noooooooo!!!" Hmmm, I wonder just who could that be????
Although the weather has cooled down a bit, it is still swimming weather (85 degrees). So when we were done with the park we headed over to Zoe's for a cool dip in the pool. Everyone was there except for Erin and her family. While at the park, Janet had the ultimate scare of a lifetime. We were getting ready to leave the park when baby Patrick disappeared. Janet always watches him like a hawk but the second she took her eyes off of him he was gone. Shelley and her group of kids had left before we realized that Patrick was missing. Janet and I searched the whole area. He was nowhere to be found. Janet was just beside herself. Both she and I yelled and yelled. Finally I saw him on the driver side of their van in the street and another car was heading toward him. I screamed "STOP!!!". Meanwhile a young boy of about 12 ran out to the street and swooped up Patrick in his arms. Janet came running over and grabbed her baby. This whole incident was probably about 10 minutes long but it sure did seem like a lifetime and if you believe in guardian angels, someone was definitely looking over that beautiful baby yesterday afternoon.
Yesterday morning found dad sick with the trots. Whatever Mimi had over the weekend, dad caught it only with Mimi it was coming out the other end.
Mimi and I had our own agenda to attend to. First came piano lessons, then a little shopping at the Walgreens and Petco. When we were through we had just enough time to grab a quick lunch and head over to the park to catch up with the rest of the gang.
Soon as the karate class let out, Mimi and I headed home to put our swim suits on and head back to the lake. Only this time we brought Butch with us. Although it was 7:00 in the evening, the water was really warm. This was Butch's first time swimming and Mimi's first time in the lake since last summer. I think the swimming lessons are paying off. The weather was somewhat clear enough to take a picture of Mt. Rainier aka Big Tahoma and the small peak to the left which is known as Little Tahoma.
Now that the weather has cooled down a bit, I can finally sit in the office to update Mimi's blog.
Last Monday started off the week with taking Mimi and Blake to South Center to watch the movie that Mimi and Blake have been anxiously waiting to see which is G-Force. It is a very cute movie made by Jerry Bruckheimer who teamed up with the crew at Disney to make this movie. If you like the work that Bruckheimer does (like I do) then you may enjoy this movie. It is a cutesy kind of movie with a twist to it.
As soon as the movie let out it was time to head to the lake for karate lessons. Mimi and Blake are really having a blast with this class. The Sensei is very kind and patient with all the kids.