Monday, October 20, 2008


Every Sunday is our family day at the Putney household. This past Sunday was spent at home doing what mom and Mimi likes doing the best which is hanging out in our pj's and doing nothing at all. The weather here is in full swing of Autum. It is absolutely gorgeous with the changing of the colors. The trees are colored with amazing yellow, orange and gold. The air is cccoold and crisp. It reached a whopping 54 degrees outside. Ol' Blakey was feeling a bit lonely at home with no one to play with so he came over and spent the day with Mimi. They played the piano, Wii sports and of course no day is complete without playing with the Lincoln Logs. It is actually made of real wood just like the ones Uncle Jim played with back in the day for those of us who can remember. Blake and Mimi play just like brother and sister. Now and then he would get frustrated with her because she has her own mind and won't give in to his demands. He would say "Mimi, if you don't do what I say, I'm gonna go home!" Either Mimi would eventually give in or Blake would give in and they would go back to playing happily again. Finally when Blake made his threat to Mimi again, mom being the little devil and knowing how much Blake loves coming here said "OK Blake, good-bye. We'll see ya tomorrow". He just looked at mom with his big brown doe eyes and said "I don't wanna go home! I'm not going anywhere!" Mom loves to tease Mimi and Blake. Cheap thrills and cruel I know, but hey, I gotta have some fun sometime.


Mimi: Mom, you wanna know what I'm gonna to be when I grow up?
Mom: No, what?
Mimi: I'm going to be a doctor.
Mom: Really?! Does that mean you will take care of me when I get old?
Mimi: Uh huh.
Mom: How about dad?
Mimi: Uh huh.
Mom: How about Blake, Erin, Zoe and Halle and their families?
Mimi: Uh huh them too.
Mom: Wow! How about Samantha and Katie and their Families? Are you going to take of them too?
Mimi: Uh huh. Mom, does Samantha have our phone number? We have to tell her that our number is (***) ***-7702.


About once a month mom and Mimi will make their trip to downtown Seattle to go to Uwajimaya Market. Now and then dad will tag along with us. If dad comes with us, we will have lunch in the food court then he and Mimi will hang out in the Kinokuniya bookstore while mom shops otherwise mom will put Mimi in the shopping cart and Mimi will shout out "Mom! These are are all my treasures!!!" The jellies are a special favorite with Mimi and her friends. They go like hot cakes! Now whenever I go to the market I end up buying the jellies for Blake and Bailey. Mom used to buy all these things at Mitsuwa when we lived in So. California. The nice thing about the jelly container is that it doubles as a coin bank too.