Sunday, July 20, 2008


Now that we are starting to feel a bit settled in, mama has started inviting neighbor/friends over to the house for dinner. This evening Spencer and his family joined us for a evening of joy, fun and laughter. While big sis Katarina(12) and big bro Zack (11) were playing Wii, Mimi and Spencer ran around the house like two peas in a pod. Just two kids acting goofy as can be. Pictured here they are watching Chicken Little. Tomorrow mama and Mimi will go over to a nearby elementary school to check out the sports camp that Michelle had told us about. Also we may sighn Mimi up to play soccer this fall. Spencer's dad Jim is the coach.

tech-tag » Track stolen Gadgets with Gadget-Track

tech-tag » Track stolen Gadgets with Gadget-Track Mama saw this on King 5 news last night with Jesse Jackson (not the rev) and thought this is kind of cool especially for all the gadget geeks like herself.


When the work was all done, grandpa went home. He is very worried about grandma. Grandma is scheduled for knee surgery this coming August 12th. She is unfortunately having quite a bit of discomfort at this time and we found out from grandpa that grandma fell last night at their home. Fortunately she is not seriously hurt. After grandpa had gone home, Mimi wrapped herself up in the red, white and blue (a blanket that was given to us by grandma). She then decided to trapse all over town wearing her cape. She and papa had gone to get pizza to bring home for lunch then go and catch a movie "The Space Chimps".


This morning grandpa came over to help papa fix the fence post that leads into our backyard. As usual Mimi was the supervisor and making sure everything was done correctly. During the dry weather is when one needs to get the gutters cleanned out and the house repairs done before the windstorm season hits which is in October/November.