Friday, July 3, 2009


By the time we arrived at the hospital Mimi was still sleeping so I stayed in the car with her while dad went to check on grandma and found out that she had been discharged! I just love how our family communicates with each other. So we called the house and found out that grandma indeed had gone home with grandpa and is doing pretty good.
Later in the evening dad put up the tent while Mimi supervised. We then cooked hot dogs and roasted marshmallows over an open fire. While doing so Mimi dropped her hot dog and marshmallow. Luckily Butch was there to help clean things up.
In the night Mimi and dad slept in the tent while mom stayed in her nice, warm and comfy bed. Why should I sleep in the tent while I have a perfectly good bed in the house?


When we finished with Costco the time was around 3:00 in the afternoon and we were headed over to the hospital to go see grandma. By this time Mimi was acting real looney. All I said to dad was "I think Mimi needs a N-A-P". In a big loud voice Mimi shouts out "N-O MOM! Do you know what that means?! It means NO!" We no sooner left the parking lot and I took a look around in the car only to find Mimi and dad out cold. I tell you, do I not know my family or what?


Of course no trip to Costco is absolutely complete without some Very Berry Ice Cream. mmmm...........good!!!


When it was time to leave, it was almost lunch time so Daphne, dad and I decided to take the kids to Costco for lunch. We did a little shopping afterward.


As usual Mimi and I went over to Luella's only this time dad, Daphne and Sara joined with us. Mimi always has a blast with her friends.


After visiting with grandma in the hospital, Mimi and I went to check out the new Uwajimaya market in Renton. Not bad. It has been opened since the 1st of this month but the grand opening will be on the 15th. They are still working on getting things set up inside. I must say that there was quite a bit of people there anyways. Unfortunately there is no Kinokuniya bookstore there as of yet. Hopefully someday there will be as Mimi loves that place. Now I won't have to go as far to get Mimi's "treasures". Still it is 19 miles from our home. Man! I was sooooo spoiled in California when the Mitsuwa was just right next to Mimi's school and 2 minute from our home. But I guess that 19 miles is better than 35 miles, I'll have to take what I can get.


On the day when we went to get our fingerprints done (June 30) was the day that grandma was back in the hospital again having back surgery done. She has been having quite a bit of discomfort lately. Hopefully it will ease up some. Yesterday Mimi and I went to go see her and she was just getting ready to go walking with the physical therapist. Of course Mimi was able to swindle some money out of grandpa just like she does with her dad. Grandma says that she will most likely be coming home on the fourth. Normally the doctor would have her go to the rehab hospital across from the hospital. It's a place that both she and grandpa really hates to go to as they both did not have good experiences in the past. This time grandma tells the doctor that she should be able to go to her own home since her daughter-in-law is a nurse and will card for her. With that being said the doctor agreed to let her go home.