Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Our day started off with breakfast then a trip to the library for storytelling. This time we went by ourselves. For some reason Erin was not able to make it today. Then it was a trip for grocery shopping and home for lunch. Mama had just enough time to clean the house and make a quick trip to the grocery store again because due to her "senior moments" she forgot a couple of items needed to make dinner. As soon as we arrived home and got the dinner in the crock pot it was time to take Mimi to swim lessons. Next thing mama knew, the lessons were over and it was time to go home for dinner. Spencer and his family were coming over. Of course by the time Spencer, Zach and Katarina arrived, Mimi was way to excited to eat but she somehow managed it. After dinner,they all had loads of fun playing hide and seek till it was time to go to Sports Camp. When I asked Mimi if she enjoyed playing with Spencer, she replied "Yeah and he's so handsome too!" I take that as a yes. By the time all was said and done, it was time to come home from sports. Next thing mama knew, Mimi was out like a light. Next month will be even busier I think. Not only will Mimi have the same activities as she does now, we will have to get her school supplies and school clothes together. Unlike back home in So. Calif. where one could practically wear summer clothes almost all year round it gets super cold up here in the northwest during the fall and winter season. This past week the weather has already started cooling off.


Sport Camp will last until this coming Friday. Mimi is having a blast. She and Spencer get along real good together. Of course what is a sport camp without a game of duck, duck, goose? Mimi and Spencer ALWAYS choose each other to be the goose when either one of them gets picked.


Well we're mov'in on uuupppp......this afternoon was Mimi's graduation day for her swimming lessons. She will be moving up to P-2 (P=pre-school) come this August. The next round of swimming lessons will consist of 10 lessons, 2 weeks straight. That will take her up to one week before school starts. Mimi is having one big busy, fun summer vacation. We have been busy with swimming lessons twice weekly, gynastics twice weekly, storytelling time once a week at the library and Sports Camp nightly this week and playdates in between. PHEW!!!