Thursday, July 15, 2010


Since the girl was 5, she's been going to Hope Fellowship Sport Camp.
It is organized by the Hope Fellowship Church here in Covington.

I swear almost every kid in the Maple Valley/Covington area shows up.
Must be around 1,0000 kids here and that is no joke.

Not bad for $15.00 for the whole week and 2 1/2 hours each day. It is
really, really well organized, non-competitive fun and the kids have a

Although I had signed Mim up to be on Erin's team, she was put on a
different team. Erin, Zoe and Halliwell are on the same team. Mimi
thought that she would not know anyone until she found out that Tessa
from her gymnastic team is on her sport team. They are the Blue 2's.

I keep meanning to update our blog but ever since coming home it has been one activity after another. When I have the time, I just don't have the energy and vice versa.

Just came home from a whirlwind of a trip to Long Beach, California. We saw friends, family and Disneyland. Will post pictures later. Left on last Thursday and came home this past Monday. My plants did prettty well. Krista only killed off two of my Fuschias. Hopefully I will be able to revive them. Now it is back to work, piano lessons, gymnastics, karate and sports camp for this week only. Phew!!!

Butch and Stanley did pretty good too. However somewhere along the line Butch got a bit of an eye infection so now it is antibiotgic time for him.

Oops! Just noticed the time. Gotta go and pick up Mimi from gymnastics, give her a quick dinner of fried rice and leftovers, then on to sports camp. Later this evening we have a team parent meeting back at the gym. I tell you, the older she gets, the busier.