Many years ago back home in California, mama's hairdresser Dean Rhoades (the guy who invented Youthful Essesnce) told mama that she needed a restraining order against scissors. Mama tried cutting her bangs and did not do a good job on herself.
This afternoon while mama was cleanning the kitchen, mama asked Mimi to go upstairs and brush her hair. That was all the girl had to do, just brush her hair before our compnay Diana and her family were to come over for Sukiyaki dinner. About 10 minutes later, Mimi came downstairs and informed mama that she had "tied the hair in a knot" therefore the girl decided to go into papa office and take the scissors and giver herself a haircut. There was hair all over the office rug. Fortunately Mimi is able to use scissors safely and they have blunt tips.
As you can see in the above picture, well that was our referal picture that was sent to us before going to China. One can see how bald she is. Mimi has very fine hair and it takes forever to get it to grow out. Mama worked real hard to get it to the point of fixing it into a ponytail. In one swoop all of mama's hard work is shot to heck. I think Mimi needs a restraining order against scissors. We will be making a trip to the hairdresser tomorrow.