Thursday, September 23, 2010



Tonight all of the Tahoma school district has Open House. However Lake Wilderness Elementary School where Emma (4th grade) and Elsie (second grade) go to, it is called "Curriculum Night" and only the parents are allowed to visit the classroom. Childcare is provided as long as the parent signs up for it and there is enough room. Personally I think that kind of stinks but oh well.

Rhonda asked I wouldn't mind to collect the girls when gymnastic practice was done and I said that would be fine. So as soon as Mimi's open house was done, we headed over to the gym and picked up the Rochleau girls and headed to La Fogata for dinner and ice cream at Marble Slab. It was delicious.

They were fine at the restaurant and creamery but as soon as we reached home it was Girls Gone Wild on our front lawn. Running and laughing all over the place. By this time Rhonda was here to take them home and they sooooooooo did not want to go. I must say that it is a nice feeling.

Of course it was Elsie who came up with the idea saying "I know, you and my mom can talk, talk, talk, in the house while we play." Unfortunately Rhonda did not go for that idea as there is school for everyone tomorrow even though it is a early release.

The latest news is that Elsie along with Mimi has been losing teeth still. She looks like she went a couple of rounds in the ring.


Tonight was open at Mimi's school. For the most part she is doing really good so far but it is still only the beginning. Next month the parent/teacher conference is to be held. Unlike the rest of the students at school who are all quite calm and collected, Mimi took us on a super whirlwind tour of her classroom, the computer, library and music room in about 45 minutes and we were done. Phew! This picture that Mimi drew is our fits our Mimi to the "T".

Self portrait, favorite food = steak, favorite colot = red, favorite place = great wolf lodge, favorite subject = PLAY, favorite hobby = BIRTHDAYS.


After cleanning up that horrible mess yesterday. We were too pooped to do anything else. Dad was not yet home. Mimi and I decided that since we were famished, we would go out to eat. Thought about Red Robbins but I just was not up to dealing with all the noise as it was 7:00 (dinner time) and I knew that place would be quite noisy. So we settled on a delicious steak dinner at Rooters. On the way to the restaurant Mimi looked at me very sternly and said "Mom, there is no more playdates with your lady friends! Ok?!" Can you blame the girl?