The Putney's are still alive and well. Just super duper busy! With our Mimi, that is the understatement of the year. Last Saturday through Monday was magnificently gorgeous! The sky was amazingly blue and the temperature was purrrrfect. Every man, woman and child and their pets came out of the woodwork. Brandy says that there was actually a traffic jam on our local highway leading into the golf course.
Pictured above is Mimi and dad at their usual father/daughter breakfast last Saturday at Black Diamond Bakery before we had a birthday party we had to go to at My Little Gym for Kate and Ethan's (twims and classmates of Mimi's). After the party both Mimi's and Halle's families went out to Red Robin's for dinner. Mimi just adores all of her friends.
The next day Sunday we went to our Buddhist meeting at the Culture Center. There all of the kids had a German style Easter Egg Hunt. All of the eggs were filled with a penny. They had loads of the fun hunting for the eggs. The picture of Mimi and dad is just outside the Culture Center in front of the Cherry Blossom tree. There are so many of the Cherry Blossom and Plum Blossom trees just blooming everywhere here aroud the Northwest. They are soooo beautiful to look at. In the afternoon we went to Lowe's to buy mom a brand spanking new dishwasher. Woo Hoo!!! In our 14 years of marriage, we never bought any new appliances. They were always second hand. However last year we did purchase a new washer. Next year I hope to get a new dryer. Are you listening dad????
Monday came and we went to Ms Celia's for Mimi's piano lesson which was followed by a trip to Uwajimaya. By the time we got home our day was shot. The good news is, Uwajimaya is planning to open a new store not far from home. Woo Hoo!!! Since Monday and Tuesday were still gorgeous outside, that's where we stayed all day at the park with Alex and his mom. I was able to get some gardening done then too. By the time Wednesday rolled around, we were back to our true Northwest weather. Gloomy with a hint of drabbiness. Then a light bulb turned on inside my head! Why not have a "progressive playdate" ? We started it off with lunch at Erin's. It was an all girl playdate, Erin, Zoe, Halliwell and Mimi. All was going well until I saw Halliwell crying at the top of the stairs and Mimi was comforting her friend. As it turns out, Erin who has been losing her six year old teeth left and right had just the day before lost another tooth and the subject of the six year old conversation was is there or isn't there a "Tooth Fairy" and "Santa Clause". Halliwell says that there isn't and the rest of the girls disagreed with her. If only our world problems were that simple. Sigh. They were able to work things out for themselves and all was well again in their little world. After lunch we all headed over to Zoe's for a couple of hours then to our house for dinner where I had prepared a delicious spagetti dinner for them. While they played at our house, they all came downstairs with the baby dolls, strollers and suitcases packed full of stuff. When I questioned them about what they were doing, they just looked at me matter of factly and said "we're going on vacation!" Duh! Now why didn't I think of that??? They all had loads of fun by the time they went home at 7:00 p.m. I was just about to pass out due to pure exhaustion. Thursday was spent recuperating for me. Thursday evening Mimi, Halliwell and I took Butch out for a walk and then both families went out to try the new Mexican restaurant Mezcal which in my opinion was ok. I still like El Coporal better. I like Esparza's even better but that is way to far for us to go.
Friday was spent taking Sara to Chuck E. Cheese for her birthday lunch. Mimi and Sara had a great deal of fun as they always do until it was time to go back to Sara's in the evening.
Today we spent the early afternoon going to Puyallup to watch Spencer's big sis Katarina perform in a Hawaiian show. I have always loved Hawaii and planning to go back there again sometime in the near future. Mimi is dyingto go too. We are quite jealous/envious of Samantha and Elissa's families who are in Hawaii now having a super duper great time there.
While watching the solo Tahitian dancer this afternoon, I thought to myself "I know I've seen that girl somewhere before but where??? Hmmm???" I usually don't remember names well but I don't forget a beautiful woman nor the huge gorgeous rock she has on her ring finger. "I got it!!!" I said to myself. She is the woman who performed at dad's company luau last year at UW (University of Washington) arboretum! What a small world!! This girl's mom "Auntie Celia" is Katarina's hula instructor! I tell you, it is taking some getting used to living in a small community.
Tomorrow we will go to Grandma's for Easter dinner. Then come this Monday it is back to the old grind again. We are expected to have a storm and possible snow up in the mountains then too.