Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Mimi is just a happy-go-lucky kinda gal and I really love that part of her personality. Every now and then she will surprise me with some deep questions and it catches me off guard sometimes. This morning she saw our local paper that has a picture of Jesus looking up to the sky with the sun rays shinning down on his face and off in the distant is the 3 crosses. Mimi started asking questions during breakfast. I still did not have my morning tea and was not quite awake yet but I thought that if she is asking, now is the time to answer. She wanted to know who that was in the picture so I told her. Then there was silence. Finally she says "but how did he get in the picture?" "You mean, how did the picture get into the paper?" I asked. "Uh huh" Mimi answered. So I told her that it was actually a painting and the papers printed in the paper. "You mean he's not REAL???" the girl asked wide eyed. "Yes, Jesus is real but back in those days people did not have cameras so they drew pictures" I answered. She just looked at me like I had two heads as if to say "Are you serious? People didn't have cameras then???" More questions. "Is he talking to GOD?" "Yes" I answered. "Well then, how come we can't see GOD?" she asked. "WHERE IS GOD?" again she asked with a puzzled look on her face. "God is everywhere" I answered. Finally she pipes up with "Blake knows everything. He is so smart." End of discussion.