Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Mimi was still asleep at 5:15 this evening so I thought it would be best if we just skipped tonight"s practice. She really needed her rest. She has now been in the tub for the past hour just yakking away to herself. Since we missed practice, dad is going to stop by Marble Slab and buy some ice cream for her as a delicious treat. MM Good!


Mimi now has a very busy calendar. Basically she has school and one outside activity everyday. Today is no different. She has always been active from day one. I did however notice this morning that although she has one loose tooth on the front and bottom, it is not coming out and her permanent tooth is coming in. It has already broken through the gum. Since we were out and about getting our nails done at the salon this morning, I thought that I would stop by the dentist's office to see if he had the time to help us out. Unfortunately he is taking continuing education class today and is not there. We do however have an appointment set up for this coming Monday. Maybe this explains why she has been feeling a bit warmer than usual. After school today she was very whinny which is unusual "I wanna go to Zoe's house". She whined all the way home. I explained to Mimi that Zoe is getting ready to go to the same baseball practice as you are in a couple of hours. She still whined. When we got home I caught her yawning then I knew that she was tired. Therefore my thinking is for her to take a nap (of which she hates with a passion, always feels as though she is missing out on something). Of course she fought with me tooth and nail so to speak. By looking at the picture I guess you can tell who won out. Thank goodness we live 5 minutes walking distance to and from school and her baseball practice does not start for another hour. Plus where she practices is only a 5 minute drive. So before we leave this evening Mimi will have a quick dinner and then after practice we will meet dad at the McDonald's for ice cream.