Monday, January 21, 2008


These are a few of the presents mama received for her birthday this month. The red roses and Seattle Seahawk sweatshirt are from Mimi and papa, the black purse is from grandma, the small white purse from Keri and the white rose from Janet. Not pictured is a Judy Garland dvd collection and book from Jim.


Today is another gorgeous day outside. Enough so that mama decided that it was time to get out of the house. She is starting to get a little bit of cabin fever. Still it is quite cold outside. It got down to 23 degrees last night. It got so cold that the water on the school grass turned to ice. Only in the picture it looks like Mimi is standing in sand. It is so clear that one could see Mt. Rainier real good but unfortunately it did not come out well in the picture.
Back home in California mama was seeing a dentist and periodontist every six months regularly in order to keep her teeth from falling out. Since moving up north we have had to find a new dentist. About six months ago mama went to see a dentist group that came highly recommended. They took x-rays and the the whole shabang and recommended a periodontist. Mama made an appointment with the peiodontist then proceeded to forget to mark it on the calendear. As a result she had to re-schedule the appointment. The appointment was set for 7:30 in the morning. So Mimi and mama left the house at 7:00 and arrived on time. Filled out all of the paperwork and was sitting in the dentist chair only to be told that she would not be able to be seen that day because the previous patient had taken so much of their time. Mama had also hand delivered the x-rays to their office so that we would not have to take them again.
It takes a lot to get mama really ticked off and that took the cake.
Mama is now changing her dentist group. The periodontist group that I was refered to states that I never came to see them and never brought the x-rays to their office. In order for mama to see the new dentist, she has to go back to the other dentist office and get a copy of the x-rays and pay $25.00 or have the new dentist take another set of x-rays and pay $142.00 because the insurance will not pay for it since it is less than one year of having a dental exam. This whole experience is a real pain in the behind.