Thursday, July 16, 2009


Last night was mom's first and hopefully last trip to the Urgent Care. What started off as a itch in the wee hours of yesterday morning, turned into full blown redness by nightfall. I was pretty much threatened by Brandy that if I did not go seek medical help myself, she was going to take me there herself. I think that doctors and nurses make the absolute worst patients ever and I am no exception to the rule.

Dad put Mimi to bed and I hauled myself to the Urgent Care. Although you can't see it, the red area is very warm to the touch. While sitting in the waiting room, who walks in I may ask? It's our good friend Tasha! Sara's big sis. Poor girl was in a great deal of pain due to a bad UTI. So there we were, Tasha with a painful abdomen and me with my leg. We sure made a pair together.

I was finally able to see the doctor and she really did not know what it is however she did order some antibiotics and Benedryl and said that if the condition gets worse to see my doctor tomorrow (today).

The stinky part about living out in the "country" is that the only nearby pharmacy is 14 miles away. By the time I got home, it was just after midnight.

I tell you, this has been one heck of a week and it's not over yet. EGADS!

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