Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Well folks, tomorrow morning is the big day. Dad is going into the hospital for what is known in the medical field as a epigastric hernia repair. Yep, that's right. Dad has a hernia. About one month ago dad said to me "Here, feel this. I have a small lump in my stomach." I felt it but was not quite sure what to make of it. At first I thought it might have been a tumor. Then dad said that when he laid down the lump would go away. Then when he would stand up, the lump would come back. Then I knew it was a hernia and told him to make an appointment with the doc. Sure enough I was right. So for a whole month I told him not to pick Mimi up and carry her around as she is all of 41 pounds now and solid as a rock. Didn't want to make it any worse than it is.

I am so thankful that I have such wonderful friends in the neighborhood. Since we have to leave the house around 5 in the morning, I asked Keri if it would be alright if she took care of Mimi all day tomorrow. She said that it would be fine. Blake was in 7th heaven. So therefore Mimi went to play at his house for a little while after school then came home to bathe and eat dinner before going back over to Blake's house for the sleep over. Then dad and I walked her over to Keri's house. There is one slight problem though. Bailey loves to play with Mimi too and I think that Blake feels a tinge of jealousy because the girls will huddle together reading a book while putting Blake out. I'm sure he'll live though.

We should be home by the evening.


  1. good luck! i had a hernia repair done by outpatient surgery a number of years ago. i was quite happy to be home that same day wearing a few new bandaids. just keep yer vicodin nearby. i think i ended up using it for less than a week.

  2. Thanks so much for all the good wishes! HOme today after the operation and everything is fine.
