Thursday, September 17, 2009


One would think that as a stay at home mom and the kid goes to school full day now, I would have more time on my hands. NOT!!! I am much more busier now than ever. It is now going on 2 weeks since Mimi started school full day.

My day now consists of getting up at our usual 6:30 am, then get dressed, get Mimi dressed, if I'm lucky she will have gone downstairs to practice her piano for about 10-15 minutes while I get breakfast and a box lunch ready. We eat then it is off to school by 9:00. School starts at 9:10. Walk home, sit on the front porch since the weather has been gorgeous and check my e-mails. Visit with friend, errands, grocery shopping, clean and purge the house for items to go to the thrift store, pick the girl up from school, lunch is usually on the run. Come home, have the girl run upstairs to get ready for gymnastic practice, fix a snack, go to the gym, come home for dinner, have the girl bathe, snack, brush teeth. Soon she will be losing her two front (top) teeth. They are getting loose now. She lost her two bottom teeth earlier this year.

Around 7:30 is when dad gets home. Then at 8:30 it is lights out time. Usually by 9:00 she is completely out and I am ready to pass out but there is Butch to contend with. By 10:00 we are all pretty much dead to the world. To think that there actually was a time in my life when I could stay up for 2 days straight being a party girl. I guess those days are gone.

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