Last year Mimi and Ben were the only kids on our campout. This year there were several more girls. Ben's school had a raffle and his dad put up this camping trip as one of the prizes. Jessica's (Ben's classmate/friend) family won the prize and they brought another family with them.
The bottom two pictures were taken at The Grove of the Patriots. There the kids had a chance to skip stones down by the river, listen to the park ranger tell them all about the plants and trees, take a group photo. Pictureed left to right is Mimi, Ben, Aubry (pink jacket) Aubry's mom Amy, Jessica (black jacket) and her little sister Molly behind her next to the tree.
Then every night after dinner they roasted marshmallows and made smores. Can't have a campout without the marshmallows and smores now can you???
If the kids were not down by the creek playing, they would disappear into "Auntie Lori's" (lady in red vest) camper. She absolutely loved it especially the fact that Mimi and Ben would call her Auntie Lori as she is really feeling the effects of empty nest now. Even though she works as an accountant you would think that she was a kindergarten teacher as she has that kind of personality. We all just fell in love with her. She would read to the kids and have them make their maps for their "treasure hunts". Next thing I knew they were going around the campsite looking for their "treasures" such as pine cones and things.
Mama hates it when I get technical but it is "Grove of the Patriarchs" It is an area of Mount Rainier National park with very old and very large cedar and douglas fir trees. The tree the kids are sitting against in the picture is a 1000 year old cedar tree which is 32 feet in circumference.