Friday, March 20, 2009


After lunch we went downstairs to the AT&T store to check out a new cell phone for myself since my other one went caput. I no sooner had the phone in my hot little hands when Mimi took over. The phone is pretty much self explanitory thank goodness. As you can see Mimi has already figured out how to take pictures without any help from anyone.

When that was all done, the next thing on the list was to get a petticoat for Mimi's dress for the "fodder/dodder" (still has a bit of trouble with the th's at times) ball tomorrow night. You will not believe how hard it is to find one. I went to several different stores to look for one. No luck. Of course all Mimi cared about was riding the Monorail. By the time I reach Macy's, I was hot, tired and sweaty all at the same time. The poor girl at the cosmetic counter was trying in every which way to get me to have a make-over done. I was able to muster up enough energy to smile sweetly and say "No thank you" and keep on truck'in with Mimi in tow. Time was of essence. We still had gymnastics and a birthday party scheduled for the late afternoon/evening. Plus there was still the monorail. Unfortunately Macy's did not have what I needed so back to Nordstrom's it was. They did not have a petticoat either but they did have a dress liner which works for me. Then we saw the handbags which is one of my weaknesses. So of course we had to buy a lavender (her favorite color) that Mimi picked out for herself. Then on to the monorail.

By the time we were done, it was 3:30 p.m. plenty of time (1 1/2 hrs) to get to the gym. As my luck would have it there was a huge accident on the I-90 just before the 405 entrance where we needed to go. Cars were backed up for miles. None the less we still made it to the gym and was only 10 minutes late. We needed to be there at 5:00 and arrived at 5:10. Phew!

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