Sunday, December 14, 2008


Believe it or not we are experiencing near freezing temperature up here in western Washington. After Mimi and dad made their snowman, we started having a flurry of snow blowing around. Dad made a run to the QFC market and said that the parking lot was almost like an ice rink. In the evening he went to pick up grandma and grandpa and brought them to the house for dinner and you might have guessed it already. The power went out again! Therefore we had dinner by candlelight. Finally the power came back on.This is the second weekend in a row that it has happened. After dinner, Santa and his reindeer Mimi put the lights on the tree while the rest of us sat around drinking our egg nog. Although it has stopped snowing, we are having near freezing temperature which makes the roads super icey. Thank goodness mom has learned from grandma that one should start stocking up on non-perishable items in the beginning of the fall season. Also it helps to have a huge freezer in the garage too. Starting tomorrow we will be getting milk delivered to the house by our local dairy farm. By doing all of this, you can be prepared for any kind of weather. I am absolutely scared to death driving out on the icey roads. So many cars have already slid into the ditches including emergency vehicles. Tommorrow 95% of the schools up here are closed due to the bad road conditions including Mimi's school. That should make the kids real happy.


  1. Near freezing is putting it lightly. It was 23 degrees when I went to work this morning.

  2. it was 40 degrees last night down here and it has been pouring rain all day. it feels like i've moved to seattle.
