Wednesday, November 26, 2008


After school this afternoon, mom and Mimi took Butch over to the school yard to play for a while. All of Mimi's friends had stuff to do before Thanksgiving so they were busy which in a way was good. Mom and Mimi spent the time playing at the schoolyard by themselves. As usual Butch was a hit with the kids at the school. After playing on the field for a while we walked over to where the kindergartener's have their playground and we saw Ms. Hinami (Mimi's school music teacher) and talked for a while. Mimi introduced her to Butch. Ms. Hinami says that when school starts again after the holiday, Mimi could play some songs she has practiced on the piano for her friends at school. How about that?

This evening mom and Mimi are planning to head over to the South Center Mall to have a Pre-Thanksgiving dinner with dad at the Rainforest Cafe. Of course we will have to stop at Border's Bookstore. That is always a must for us.

Tomorrow Halle and her family will stop by to hang out with us for lunch as they too do not have any family here in Washington, then around 4:00 we will head out to grandma's for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.

1 comment:

  1. there was a change of plans for tonight. instead of going out, we stayed in and ordered pizza, bbq chicken and did a movie marathon of ariel the beginning and dennis the menace. tons of more fun than going out.
