Saturday, July 26, 2008


This evening marked the beginning of Seattle's yearly Seafair Parade. Mimi had no idea that we were going there because mama wanted to make sure she would take a nap this afternoon.

We met with Sara and her mom Daphne at the Seattle Culture Center this evening before heading over to the parade site.

Mimi and Sara had a blast together along a several of their other friends. Unfortunately Ling Ling was not able to come. They had to take her grandma to the ER and fortunately it was nothing serious.

There were sooooo many groups participating in the parade. Mama became a little sentimental because of the Navy band. Mimi's other grandpa passed away one year ago and was a retired Naval soldier that fought many operations in the Asian Continent.

The highlight was the Chinese dancers and Chinese dragon and lion dance. Seattle is a made up of many diverse ethnic groups and each one was represented in the parade. The only ethnic group that we saw little of were the Japanese. This year there weren't any of the dancers however we saw the taiko drummers playing their hearts out way on the top of the pirate ship at the end of the parade. Not quite sure what to make of that. The pirates seem to be part of the theme of the parade.

Mimi and Sara were the hit of the parade. It seems that almost a great majority of the parade participants went out of their way to give them a high 5. They also received stickers and buttons to boot!

On the way home mama would ask Mimi if she if "fainting" which Mimi's word for getting tired. Mimi who has a funny sense of humor would fake a "zzzzzzzz" then start laughing but then a couple of minutes later she really did fall asleep in the car. Mimi is getting to big and heavy for mama to carry her upstairs to bed. When mama reached the stairs to go up and get ready for bed, she found Mimi already asleep on the stairs.

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