Friday, May 9, 2008


Mimi is a very bright young lady. A short while back, Mimi's class had started a reading club. The ABC reading club is the lowest on the totem pole, next up is the Goldstar Club and then the Superstar Club. Everyone starts in the ABC club and then they are to move on up the totempole. Last week mama noticed that while everyone in Mimi's class had moved up to the Superstar Club, our dear beloved Mimi was still in the ABC club. Mama had a talk with the teacher. According to teacher, Mimi knows all of the upper case letters and most of the lower case letters. When the teacher showed mama letters that Mimi needs to work on, mama was should I say, not happy with Mimi at that moment? These are letters and words that mama knows that Mimi knew them because we had practiced them over and over at home. When the teacher asks Mimi these questions, Mimi will say "I don't know" and shrug her shoulders. This irritates mama to no end. I just can't stand it when Mimi will play dumb.

Along with practice reading and writing the letters, mama instructed Mimi that there will be no, nor Nick Jr. com on the computer even though they are learning websites. "How about the Backyardigans?" she asked. Then it was how about this or how about that. The answer was always NO. Everynight papa would play starfall on the computer with her and during the day before school or gymnastics, mama and Mimi would practice writing and reading at the kitchen table.

Besides the practicing at home, mama decided to appeal to Mimi's competitive nature. Mimi hates to be beaten in anything. Mama showed her the board where all of her classmates are in the Superstar Club and then there is Mimi still in the ABC club.

I am happy to report that all of our hard work paid off. As of today Naomi "Mimi" has gone from the ABC Club straight to the Superstar Club bypassing the Goldstar Club. Picture is forthcoming.

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