Monday, May 19, 2008


After coming home from school today mama and Mimi sat down for a afterschool snack and Mimi started to talk on the subject of neighbors.

Mimi: Mama, Sara is our neighbor.
Mama (trying to figure out which friend): Sara who?
Mimi (starting to get a little annoyed by mama's senior moment): YOU KNNOOOW!
Mama: Oh yeah, but she does not live close to us (Sara lives in another Funky Town called Kent).
Mimi (still annoyed): Maahm!!! She's just a "pretend neighbor"
Mama: Oh. OK.
Mimi: Blake and Erin are my neighbors too.
Mama: How about Samantha, Katie and Naomi? Are they you're neighbors?
Mimi: You mean my Disney Samantha?
Mama: Yeah.
Mimi: Yeah she's my neighbor, but no wait (after some thought), no, they're my SPECIAL FRIENDS!!!

All together now: AAAWWW!!!

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