Tuesday, November 27, 2007


There is a new addition to the Putney household. His name is Nemo as in Finding Nemo. For quite some time mama had this big fish bowl with fake glass fish that she used for decoration purpose. Somewhere in our move the glass fish is missing so Mimi decided to buy real fish.

This morning before gymnastic school, we did just that. Mama purchased a Beta fish mainly because they are very low maintenance. Everything Mimi has, her friend Blake has to have only bigger (Mimi has a race car rug, so does Blake, Mimi has a skateboard, so does Blake, Mimi for a long, long time worn shoes with lights, you guessed it, Blake now has them) So now he has decided to get a small octopus but then changed his mind. He wants to get a fish like Mimi only bigger. So of course, mama had to call Keri and give her a "heads up" on the situation.

The reason for the red bow around the fish bowl is that we have TWO CATS. Our Ollie could care less about Nemo, but not our Stanley. So therefore mama had to put some type of covering on the fish bowl.

1 comment:

  1. Nemo drove Stanley absolutely NUTS last night!!! Stanley just kept starring and batting at the fish bowl. It's a very good thing that I put a cover on it especially for Nemo.
