Saturday, July 2, 2011


Just now I created a new blog for the girls and their antics. It is called I just figured that it is about time to do so. Will finish setting it up later with pictures. I hear the baby crying now so gotta go. Tootles.


The fourth of July is approaching soon. Up here in Washington, people have started setting them off at the beginning of this week. Although Summit Gymnastics is selling fireworks along with many other churches and organizations, people will head out to the reservations to get the "good stuff" if you know what I mean.

We are fortunate that the fireworks don't seem to bother Butch or Stanley too much although it may on Monday night when they get to really going off. I just have to remember to make sure that Stanley is in the house everynight.

Unfortunately our neighbors are not so lucky. The fireworks really disturb their dogs and cats to the point where they are giving their pet seditives.


I am now realizing how much I am really, really love having dad home especially on the weekends. Now that we have two girls he is really helping me out by taking care of Mimi while I can take care of the baby. It's not that Mimi is any trouble to take care of. She is able to do a lot of things for herself. I just always have to be on the look out for her and that takes alot of energy and brain power even when she is playing outside with her friends.

I truly believe that dad is really enjoying Mimi too as she is able to do more things with him with every year that she gets older.

I think that I can safely say that in our case, it is not that he doesn't love the girls, it's just that he can do a whole lot more with an 8 year old as opposed to an 8 month old. He can hike, bike, ski, build models with the 8 year old that he can't with the 8 month old. However on the other hand, he cuddles with the 8 month old while the 8 year old prefers to be climbing trees outside instead of cuddling.

We have the best of both worlds.


This summer our neighbor Cory (Shad's mom) announced that among the many other hats she is wearing, she is going to start to teach piano again to anyone who is interested in learning. The opening spots filled up like hot cakes.

Before she made this announcement, Mimi had made mention that she would like to learn the piano again. This was kind of a surprise to me as I had thought that she really did not like playing even though she is really good at it. IMHO, I think that Lady Gaga has something to do with it. She is one of Mimi's ultra favorite performers. Mimi has made mention that her goal is to be rich 'n' famous. Another story for another day.

Anyhoo, the girl is taking up piano again among all the other activities she has going on this summer.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Since coming home from China and Southern California, I have been struggling with getting Mei Mei into a routine. For the first week we were back, it wasn't too bad as Mimi had school and we could get into some kind of a groove where we would all have breakfast together and Mimi would walk to school by herself and Mei Mei would just about be ready to go down for her morning nap and then nap again in the afternoon only to wake up just before going to pick Mimi up from school. The babe was also sleeping in her crib all through the night too.

Since summer vacation started, everything is shot to hell in a hand basket. To start off, Mimi's gymnastic practice starts at 11:30 which is Mei Mei's morning nap time. Then there is the problem of Mimi who wakes up at the crack of dawn and is ready for the day and Mei Mei who prefers to party at 12:00 midnite and sleep till 9:00

I am soooooo ready to throw in the towel and let the babe sleep with me at night as it is the only way I could get her to wind down at night and I could get some decent sleep. I am planning to start her in on a routine once school starts and we are by ourselves for most of the day. It's really hard on Mimi too when she wants to have her friends over and they have to play quietly. As we all know, quiet is definitely not one of Mimi's forte.

This is what sleep deprivation will do to you. You will get your kids ready for the day, take the baby to the neighbor house to babysit for about an hour while you drive your other kid to gymnastic practice, drop her off, then as you are heading down the highway to take you cute Pug to the groomers, you get a phone call from Rhonda stating that there is no practice due to the July 4th fireworks sale that the gym is putting on. Elsie and Emma were there for a bonus practice. So Rhonda kindly brought Mimi to our house along with her girls. She took Emma home but Elsie stayed. By this time it was past lunch so Mei Mei's afternoon nap was shot to hell.

The kids were all playing outside then came inside. Mei Mei was so crabby by dinner and so was I. Therefore when dad came home and we headed out to Red Robin for dinner. Boy did that Mai Tai taste soooooo good after my horrendous day.