Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Thursday both Mimi and I have an appointment with the doc. We will know for sure then what is going on with the girl. One would think that this would slow the girl down some. Oh so NOT!!! Her appetite has not slowed down either. Although dad tries to help out some, I am still doing the majority of the work and then some. I now truly feel for those who have lost the use of an arm for one reason or another.

Mimi now wants to bring her lunch to school as opposed to buying it there. She says that it is easier for her to carry her lunchbox as opposed to carrying a tray. They do have helpers in the cafeteria but noooooo she wants a sack lunch. Darn that girl. It makes more work for me.

Although I can Drive short distances now, it seems that everything is a chore. Yesterday I made the trip to our local Walmart to get Mimi some sweat pants and velour pants. Putting her leggings on is awfully difficult doing it with one good hand. Then it was on to Costco for her lunch provisions. The guy behind me looked at me with wide eyes when I told him that this was all for Mimi. Brandy who happened to be behind this guy confirmed my purchase to him.

Mimi was not too thrilled with the PB&J I bought (frozen kind) the child likes "grown-up food" like Prochutto and such.But hey I have to make things easy on myself.

I must say though, the girl is really independent. She can go up and down the stairs safely by herself. She sits on her bum and scoots up or down. Now with the new pants, she can dress herself and she gets around pretty good on her crutches. When we go to school, I cart her in her old umbrella stroller. She is still small enough to fit in it and I put her backpack in the basket along with the crutches and off we go. Same with coming home. I found out today that the child on her own has made arragements for her classmates to help her during the day. That girl is something else. If Emilyis anything like Mimi, Lisa definitely has her work cut out for her.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mimi's Stack


Friday, November 26, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Heard about two stupid burglaries on the news yesterday and today.

The first burglar (male) decided to rob a house to which the officers only needed to follow the burglars footsteps in the snow to where the burglar was hiding under the porch deck.

The second burglar (woman) drove up to the house, calmly walked up to the house, looked all around the house, then proceeded to climb into the basement window and proceed to loot the house. Unbeknownst to the woman, there are several surveillance cameras all around the house. Not only did the cameras catch a video of her but her license plate and VIN number too. Officers found $5,000.00 stolen cash, computers and guns at her place of residence. Now get this.....the woman lives on the corner of Cash & Credit,


Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Due to this bad weather that caught a lot of people off guard, there
are quite a few house fires. Along with the blizzard we had yesterday,
there were lots of stranded cars, trees falling on top of homes and
destroying them tress falling on power lines knocking out the power to
at least a hundred thousand homes in this freezing temperatures.

This morning a neighbor friend's home caught fire. Brandy said it was
started by s space heater in the garage. Many people in our
neighborhood park their cars outside and convert their garage into a
play area for the kids. The garages are freezing cold this time of
year which is why some use space savers. I am assuming that this is
the case. This particular house that caught on fire belongs to two of
Mimi's classmates Bryton and Colton. Apparently dad Todd was home
alone with their 6 kids ages 10 and younger. He managed to get all the
kids out safely barefooted. Dad went to see the house and said the
whole back of the house was burned. The neighbors all got together to
give what they could. The family is staying with neighbors. Dad and
Mimi brought over some food and clothes.
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You could see the sun peeking out from behind the clouds. More snow
fun for Mimi today followed by a family movie. Cute movie but kinda


Yesterday's commute home last night. Today the sky is gorgeously blue, clear with a few clouds. On her own, Mimi said she wanted to go out and play. So now at this very moment she is having the time of her life sledding up and down the driveway. One nice thing about snow is that she can play outside by herself and no cars are zipping up and down the street.


Snow is still everywhere. Snow makes everything look real pretty.
Sunny outside. None the less it is 22 degrees outside with a forecast
of 11 degrees tonight. YIKES!!!!!

News said that there were around 117 reported accidents and 200 metro
buses out of commission. Sea-Tac also suffered with delayed flights.
Lots of abandoned vehicles everywhere. The main concern now is ice.
Black ice is the worst cause you can't see it and won't even know it's
there until you hit it . Therefore lots of people staying home today.

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Monday, November 22, 2010


After Zoe and her family left for home it was time for bath, dinner and a bit of homework thinking we still had school tomorrow. When we got the call for no school tomorrow tomorrow due to bad road conditions, you should have seen Mimi whoop it up yelling "I knew it!!! Woo Hoo!!!"

Dad says that he plans on staying home tomorrow since he left work early (4:30) and did not get home till 8:00 this evening. He says that there a couple of accidents and everyone was driving 30mph all the way from Everett (about 90 miles from our house).

After the homework was done, Mimi kept herslf busy with making snowflakes and music videos. She thinks that dad and I know nothing about making the snowflakes therefore she had to give a demonstration. I had no idea that she was making a music video but that's what happens when I leave it where she can find it.


Although technically it is still Fall season, it feels and looks like Winter to us. Still conference time for the kiddos so this time I babysat for Shelley. Of course dad had cleannes out the garage this past weekend so that he could park his car in the garage. Getting the sleds out was something else as I only have the use of one hand. But I did it!
After sliding down the driveway tired them out, they all came in to warm up. Hot cocoa and graham crackers all around. Even Butch went out for some fun, but it was not long before he was in front of the fireplace again.
The snow stopped long enough for the kids to play outside before it started coming down in droves again. No gymnastics tonight. Poor dad, he has to drive a long ways home in this snowy weather.


Stockings? Check. Long johns? Check. Long sleeve shirt followed by
favorite short sleeve shirt? Check. Beannie, snow boots, snow jacket?
Check, check, check.

I know you can't really tell from the picture but it is coming down in
droves this very minute.

Although the doc said it is ok to drive short distances, I'm not sure
if I want to chance it in this condition.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Duoothe conferences this week, the kiddos get early release. Whichmans Mimi gets home at 1:15 in the afternoon. It is way too cold to playoutside. So she and Halli brought their fun indoors.


From Wednesday of this week till Wednesday of next week is parent teacher conference.This past Wednesday was our turn. Shelley and I did a babysitting swap. Mimi went to Zoe's during our conference. Happy to report that she did really good. We are very proud of her.

Ms. Davidson says that math is her strongest subject for which she recieved a 4. Both Mimi and I have been working very hard this year. It's been a struggle at times as she really hates homework and would rather play all the time. Also every year gets harder and harder. It was also a struggle for myself too just getting the hang of having tests 3x's weekly.

This breaking my arm has put a real kink into my daily life. Can't do much as the wrist is still bit sore. I am trying to cut down on the Vicodin because it makes me sleepy and tired all day.

Then because I am tired all day, have been a bit lax on doing the homework with Mimi. One good thing is that because it is conference time and we had the one day of power outages, there were no math tests this week. Gives me time to get back on track.


Last week Nathan and his family learned his true age is 7. His family had a small party for him at his house and they invited Mimi along with a couple of other kids from the neighborhood. At first Katia was a little shy to play with Mimi but she soon warmed up and the two of them got along great. They had loads of fun playing hide and seek with Nathan.
Beacuse of Nathan's inability to hear well, they could easily hide from him. He would look up and they'd be gone somewhere and I would see them peeking around the corner snickering. Then the played tag and Wii. While Nathan opened his presents, Mimi completed this puzzle. She is really into puzzles nowadays and s is Nathan. Foe Nathan's birthday Mim gave him a 3d dragon puzzle along withe a Kung Zhu ....zhu zhu pet. Nathan was sooooooo happy! On or side, I had a time trying to keep it away from Mimi. "But mom! I've been dying for one!" she would cry.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


It started around 10:00 last night and lasted till around 8:00 this morning.

Soon after it went out last night, I called to dad upstairs. Meanwhile I had the candles going on downstairs. I no sooner called dad when I heard *&%#@!!!!!

I then asked "what happened?" He says "why is it that I have flashlights all over the house including my nightstand and when I need them, THEY ARE NOT THERE???!!!" "Maybe it's because we have a 7 year old that likes to SNOOP?" I answer.

Yes folks, we are at that stage now where Mimi will "borrow" our things even though she has her own. I keep telling the child that we don't mind it as long as she puts them back. Unfortunately the girl has a well known malady called "SH" aka Selective Hearing.

Due to the power outage, schools are closed today which makes for a bunch of happy kids including Mimi.

KING5.com: Wind knocks out power across Western Washington

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Wind knocks out power across Western Washington

Download the KING5.com app for your iPhone from the App Store today!

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We are part of Puget Sound Energy.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Ok folks I think the winter season has started.

Today we had winds so high that we had a power outage earlier today
that lasted about 30 minutes and one right now.

According to the weather forcast, we are to get some snow Thurs and
then again this weekend.

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The pictures that are on the Obsessions" entry was taken by Tasha the day after I fell and spent the night in the ER at Valley Hospital.

Originally Daphne was planning to take care of Mimi for us that night since both Greg and I were planning to go to the Rotary Auction Dinner with Janet and Sean. But due to the condition I was in, we stayed home. Daphne came to pick up Mimi and kidnapped her anyways. That was great cause it allowed dad and myself to get some good sleep that we desperately needed.

Along with Mimi's sleepover stuff, I packed the Gingerbread House kit for the girls and a bottle of my favorite chardonney wine for Daphne. I like to take good care of my friends too.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Saw the orthopedic doc this morning and he said that since my bones
are lined up straight, I will not need surgery. I do have another
appointment for next week for more x-rays.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010



Saturday, November 6, 2010


That's right folks. I broke not one but TWO bones last night at Diana's. It was just a crazy day yesterday. Then to top it off, we are back to our rainny weather and up here in the "country" it is reallllllly dark both moning and night.

Long story short, because it is so dark up here, I missed the step leading up the pathway to Diana's house. And in the midst of all the commotion of the kids greeting each other, no one heard me slip and fall.

Spent the rest of the night at Urgent care and Valley Hospital. Mimi stayed with Diana until 8:30 this morning then dad took her to gymnastic practice (it was an extra one today). Then as soon as dad came home, Todd our handyman came to help dad fix up our geust bathroom. I spent most of the afternoon all drugged out on the sofa. I tell you when it rains it pours around our house.

I did however make it to the few minutes of Mimi's practice and was able to speak with Karen whose another gym mom and make arrangements for Mimi to go to the gym on Mon and Wed as her daughter Lizzie goes to the same school as Mimi. Tonight she is spending the night with Sara and both girls are quite jazzed about that.

Monday, it's my job to make an appointment with the Orthopedic doc and see where I need to go from. I was told tha surgery is a possibility. YIKES !!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Of course we just could not resist another fab day at the park. That is where we all headed after school, Mimi, Butch, Erin and Blake. This picture was taken on our way home to drop Blake off when we were all done playing at 5 this evening. It was starting to get a bit chilly then.


Yep folks ! It was gorgeous outside yesterday. We actually hit 78 up in Bellevue. Almost summer like. It was also nice enough for me to rake the majority of our leaves out in the front. Today I am planning to sweep up all of those !@#$% pine needles in the backyard. Today is also warm so that is the best time to do it. Tomorrow we go back to the cold gray days.

It was soooo nice yesterday that Mimi went to the park after school and before gymnastics. Man could that child eat!!! Made some Bulgogi and rice before gymnstics. She ate all of that. After practice we made a McDonald run thru as she now likes the grilled chicken snack wrap and I got the McRib. However the child not only ate her snack wrap but my McRib sandwich also and wanted more to eat ! Holy Cow ! She must be going through another growth spurt! I may have to go out and buy more school clothes soon.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Just could not let a day in the park after school pass us up. Besides family and friends, I miss the California sunshine. However on the other hand I have learned not to take it for granted like I used too.

After yesterday's torrential rain, we all welcomed today with open arms. Even Butch got in some fun too with his pals Reno the Cocker Spaniel, Roxy the St. Bernard and Willow the Golden Retriever.

We had kids on one side of the park and the dogs on the other. Nice thing is these dogs all get along together. But of course they all see each other everyday when they walk their owners to school.

Reno's pet Owen is in kindergarten, Butch's pet Naomi "Mimi" is in the second grade, Roxy's pet Caitlyn and Conner are in the 6th and 3rd grade respectively, not sure about Willow's pet.

Am I not a fan of Disney's 101 Dalmations ? I sure have seen it enough times to know the dialogue by heart.

Monday, November 1, 2010


There has been a WHOLE LOTTA THAT GOING ON here this past school year. Not sure if it is because Mimi is getting older now or what. There was a time when the kid was getting up before the sun would rise.

Now with the changing of the season and we are back to the cold, dark, gray weather and along with the blackout curtains it is soooooooo dark in her room at 7:30 in the morning. Even without the blackout curtains it is still really, really dark outside. Also now that she is a bit older, her bedtime has extended to between 9:00 and 9:30. That also gives a bit of family time for us too.

So with all of these factors in place, she does not get up at the crack of dawn. However even on the mornings when she does.......that is a whole different story. Instead of getting dressed, the girl will put on her music and play, play play. Then there is the puzzles. Mimi loves, loves, loves the 3-D puzzles that I buy for her at the Uwajimaya market. The nice part is they are only a dollar a pop.

So now I am constantly reminded of the Bill Cosby comedy where he states that his wife is a college educated woman but yet she is always going around the house talking to herself. That's me. I am also yelling at the ceiling from the kitchen downstairs. Our conversation usually goes something like this......."Mimi !!!" I yell. "Whu-ut !" comes the reply. "Come down and eat breakfast !" I yell back to the girl. "In-na minute ! (she gets that from her dad)! I'm getting dressed !" yells Mimi. This will go on for about 30 - 45 minutes. Then the one nice thing about carpeting is that I can go upstairs without her hearing me and catch her playing in her room in nothing but her panties and undershirt. Ooooo that child ! That's about the time when I make all of these false threats to her. Then she will slide down the banister to the kitchen wrap her little arms around my neck and give me her fish lips look and say "I know you love me even when I drive you crazy. Kiss Me !" Of course as usual my heart just melts right then and there.