Wednesday, June 30, 2010
street and she did just that. At about now is when the sun goes down
so we started to pack things to put back into the garage when all of a
sudden in a big loud voice the girl yelled "RACOON! Mom, there's a
racoon in the garage". Sure enough there he was looking for food. So I
told Mimi in a calm voice just to leave it alone and of course the
racoon went back to where it ce from. Of course the girl was quite
excited "mom, I always wanted to see one and I did!"
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

As we were getting ready to go to the center for swim lessons, all I told the girl to do was comb her hair. A few minutes later she came and tapped me saying "mom, I "accidently" got my hair stuck in the comb" Somehow the child managed to get it all twisted around. I could not for the life of me get it to come out. So I said that we will have to go see Mai to which the girl yelled "Noooooo!!!" and took off running and locked herself in the bathroom. I was able to get her out of the bathroom but she did not want to go to Mai's place. We still could not manage the hair. Then the girl says "Wait! I have an idea!" Uh oh, I thought to myself. Less than a second later, Mimi had cut the hair loose with a pair of scissors. No sooner than she cut her hair and saw what she had done, did the big crocadile tears come rolling down her cheeks "I didn't mean for that to happen!" the girl cried and cried. Fortunately the cut was not half as bad as the last time but none the less she has what my dad used to call "A Rooster Tail" There is no hole, but there is a very small patch of hair standing straight up. I was able to talk her into going to the beauty shop for Mai to work her wonders. As usual, Mai and Ti lavished Mimi with so much love and kindness and salvage the damage. Unless one looks real close, you can't even see where the girl had cut her hair. Needless to say, we missed the swimming lesson today.
Monday, June 28, 2010

Dad had some time off this morning so he was able to come and see how well our little tadpole is doing in her swim class. As usual, swimming always makes us hungry and being that it is a tad bit on the cool side today, we went down to our local Pho place for noodles, kalbi shorts and egg rolls. Yum, Yum.
Sunday, June 27, 2010

To break up the monotony of unpacking and plus Mimi and Elsie had been dying to spend some time together, we thought that we would all go to the movies together.
After a huge breakfast at Black Diamond Bakery, we headed over to Rhonda's place where she gave us the grand tour of their new home. Elsie could not wait to show Mimi her new room. Both girls have their own rooms now which makes them very happy.
Ever the 9 year old, Emma still loathes being seen with Mimi and Elsie. She still feels that she is way to dignified to be associated with these 7 year old girls whenever they get together.
Saw this in the window on our way back to the train station. Also we passed by a Brazilian cafe called Impanema's. Must check that place out on my next visit to the city. I really do miss Brazil Cafe back in California. I must say that downtown Seattle has a gazillion of great hole in the wall places to eat.
As we were going back to the station, believe it or not, Mimi said that her legs were getting tired. Mind you, downtown Seattle is quite hilly, so we thought that it would be a great idea to stop into a Italian coffee shop for some gelato. Besides Starbucks, there a quite a few of these great little Italian coffee shops filled with coffee, gelato, really cute mini cupcakes and chocolates. Seattlelites really love their coffee. Unfortunately I am not a coffee drinker. I enjoy the teas myself.
After visiting the Aquarium, we really worked up an appetite with all of the walking we did going from the Westlake Center and through Pike Place Market and the Aquarium itself. That was when it was time to head over to Elliott Bay Oysters. Instead of oysters, Mimi had not one but TWO adult servings of the Manila Clams and sucked those babies down in about 20 minutes. I myself had salmon strips and chips. It was just really nice to sit outside on the pier near the ocean or should I say the Puget Sound, but that is the closest I'm going to get to the ocean. Take it or leave it. I'll take it.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Earlier this year I found a brochure for the the Lake Wilderness Camp
Wild. Since we can't afford to send her to camp, I thought that I
could save some money and create our own Camp Naomi.
Every week the camp is going on a field trip somewhere so I decided
Mimi and I would do the same. Although Mimi and I spend alot of time
together we rarely do anything together. It's always me taking her for
practice somewhere.
I counted out all the field trips and it will take us right up till
when school starts again in the Fall.
So today after swim lessons we jumped onto the light rail and headed
into the city.
First we had a delisious Thai lunch before going to the Aquarium. Now,
since the kids had studied the marine life at school, this place is
more interesting to her this year as opposed to the first time we
brought her last year. Plus she's older now so I think that helps.
Cameron is teaching the girls how to swim like a dolphin and also the
back stroke.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Dorothy Putney <>
Date: June 25, 2010 10:35:25 AM PDT
With all of the lakes and rivers we have around here, we just felt that it is important that Mimi knows how to swim. I found out from Shelley this morning that there was a drowning at Shadow Lake here in our home town. Plus Mimi just loves the water which is a far cry from when she first came home from China.
Unlike dad, I am not crazy about the winter sports as much as he is. I am more of the sun 'n' surf kinda gal. I prefer the water. Fortunate for the both of us, Mimi enjoys various activities.
Unbeknwnst to dad, after China, my next travel plans are Hawaii and an Alaskan cruise. I am pretty much done with the winter vacations for quite some time. If anyone would like to join us, you are more than welcome to come along with us.
Sent from my iPhone
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
That it was and still is. A couple of weeks ago I thought that I would make a trip to the doc's because I just did not feel any zip anymore and thought that my Thyroid level may have been low.
I tell you, doctors and nurses make the worst patients ever and I am no different. First she asked if I had made my mammogram appointment. No. So no sooner than when I arrived home, they called me to see when I could come. Man! Dr. Markegard is quick! There's no mess'in around with her. Next when I told her how I was feeling, she asked if I was exercising. Even though I joined a gym, it just petered out. Then she asked if I was taking any vitamin D. That's when it hit. DUH! After 50 years in California where one never needs to take vitamin D, I totally forgot about it. Therefore I had to pay a doctor $20.00 in order for her to tell me that I was depressed. She did the blood levels and the Thyroid was fine but the vitamin D was super low. It is supposed to be 30 or above and my count was 14. Now wonder I was feeling down in the dumps and that is not to mention all of the grayness we have been having lately which is unusual.
Since then, I had the mammogram done and it came back normal and I have been taking the vitamin D and feeling 200% better than before. So now I am back on my exercising.
Last week Mimi was just plain ornery and sassy and so "Mean Mom" came for a visit. Mimi really dispises "Mean Mom" and came to the conclusion that Nice Mimi = Nice Mom, so she has been ever sooooo sweet since then.
These past couple of days we have been quite busy and so she really has not had much playdate time. This morning she had her swimming lessons, then it was on to Ms Celia's for piano lessons with a short stop at McDonald's for a 15minute playtime on the playset. When the piano lessons was over, we went to Costco for a little grocery shopping and lunch. We had just a couple of hours at home before it was time for gymnastic practice. Her summer practice is a little longer now, so while she was at practice, I took Butch over to Lake Wilderness and we took one long, Long, LONG walk around the lake. I was not about to let this sunshine that we are having go to waste. It was absolutely gorgeous outside. You could see Mount Rainier atop all of the trees. I absolutely love where we live if only we had some good places to eat and I wouldn't have to cook all of the time.
Monday, June 21, 2010
"Guess what mom?! Our karate teacher came to our school and passed out
these fliers! I wanna go! I wanna go!"
Fortunately the time schedule works out with her gymnastic schedule.
It was not planned but her good friends Blake and Alex also signed up.
She is in 7th heaven.
I just figured that with Mimi's petite size and most likely she will always be on the petite side, it is good to know some self defense. When we checked into her swimming class this morning, the woman asked what level Mimi was at and I told her that she is in level 3, the woman exclaims "But she is so small!"
Today is the first official day of summer. It is also the first day of
swimming lessons and karate lessons.
While at swimming lessons this morning it was quite a nice surprise to
see that Mimi had not forgotten anything since last summer. She and
another girl did really good today. What was even more surprising was
that Cameron (teacher) took the kids over to the starting blocks and
had them jump off of it.
When swimming was done it was time to head home for lunch, piano and
school lessons and a little yard work.
I just knew that things were running way too smooth. Even Mimi was
just as sweet as she could be. I then had a great idea of heading over
to Lake Wilderness a little early so that Butch could get some
excercise in. Then I had to go and lock myself out of the house
WITHOUT the keys! Argh!!!
None the less, we made it to the lodge with about an hour to kill. So
took a nice long, long walk with Butch around the lake. Also Mimi was the one who took the picture of the Geese and their young brood.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
This afternoon / evening the annual team pot luck was held at the gym. The kids
are having loads and loads of fun. Mimi and Emily were the greeters at
the door. In the group pics, Mimi is the one in gray sitting next to
the kid in red.
Later on the awards were presented to the athletes. Mimi recieved her pendent and trophy. They then showed a beautiful slide show of the athletes during this past year and Mimi got quite a kick out of seeing herself on the bigh screen. It was also a very nice tribute to a fellow team member who passed away earlier this year due to suicide. There was not a dry eye in the gym. I just love all of the commraderie the girls have for each other. Mimi especially loves to sit with Jaelyn. Jaelyn is now 13 and just as sweet as can be. I think that Mimi loves the feeling of having an older sister although I am sure she must drive Jaelyn crazy at times.
Sorry dad, Mimi and I are having fun without you this afternoon.
After the ESD meeting this morning, Mimi and I were quite famished.
Truth be told, ever since the Olympics, I am really sick of McDonald's
so we decided to have lunch here at South Center instead. Fortunate
for me, Mimi loves sushi and now she has discovered that besides the
Tuna sashimi, she really likes the Albacore and Salmon as well. Now
mind you, all the plates you see here are Mimi's. Mine were only two
other small plates and I am stuffed.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
As promised, I am bringing Mimi and her best friend Blake to the
Family Fun Center as a treat for getting good grades in school. If you
like Chuck E. Cheese, you will love this place.