Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today Mimi was supposed to have the day off from school but since they had plenty of snow days in December, her school district had decided to have the kids come to school to make up for lost school time. Still we had a little dusting of snow and while the kids were waiting to go into the classroom they decided to have a snowball fight outside. I must say that they made some pretty good sized snowballs too.

Monday, January 26, 2009


When the movie was done, we all headed over to Mimi's gymnastic's for a make-up class but I forgot that they would be closed today. So instead we all went to the local McDonald playland before it was time to head home. This picture was take after we had already brought Blake home and there was no one yet home at Zoe's house. Zoe's mom Shelley had plans to meet with her grandpa for lunch today and her dad was still at work so therefore Zoe hung out with us which is very okey dokey with us. We could only stay at the park for about 10 minutes since it was so darn cold at 5:00 this afternoon. Zoe and Mimi always have a blast together. So much so that when Mike (dad) came to pick her up from our house, I yelled to the girls upstairs "Zoe! Your dad is here to pick you up!" We then heard this sad, sad voice from above saying "ooohhh".


Today the kids had the day off from school because of "staff developement". So therefore I thought it would be a good idea to take Mimi and her friends to see a movie after her morning piano lessons. We got there a little early and everyone was a bit hungry so over to Johnny Rockets we went for a bite to eat. Everyone had a blast today. Nice way to spend a colllllld day inside.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


On the way home we stopped at the Marble Slab. I think that it is just as good or even better than Cold Stone Ice Cream and it's right here in our little town. Dad looked it up on the internet to see if it is a chain store and it is. The one in our town is the only one in the whole state of Washington and I can't remember where the others are but I do remember that there are several locations in Southern California. Dad's favorite is strawberry and mine vanilla. Mimi's is both and that's what we got, both strawberry and vanilla.


Not only did they have dancing and games for everyone but a raffle drawing as well. Mimi won a Hot Wheel toy car for herself. The red envelope came from Ling Ling. Mimi passed hers out last week to all of her classmates and then some. Then there is some Chinese candy that she got from the Lion Dancers. I think she really made out like a bandit.


There were games for kids of all ages.


Not only did they have dances for us to watch but they also had games such as the good ole' tug of war for the kids to play.


This is one of my favorite dances and now it's Mimi's. She is sitting on the floor in the stripped shirt under the rope.


While waiting for the show to start, I was kind of wishing that we had asked one of Mimi's friends to come along and join us when lo and behold who do we see??? None other than Ling Ling and her family who just happened to be there at the same time we were! What a lovely surprise.


Also in Japanese we say Omedeto Gozaimasu! Although the Chinese New Year does not officially start until tomorrow, we here at the Putney household celebrate New Year starting from Jan. 1 till the end of Chinese New Year. This afternoon we all headed over to the Great Wall Mall for a delicious Chinese luncheon at Taipan. Also at the mall there is the Imperial Garden that is also delicious and they serve dim sum but dad was not in the mood for that so Taipan it was. We dined on mom's favorite of Mongolian Beef, dad's favorite Beef and Broccoli and Mimi's favorite sweet and sour pork. Then it was time to go into the plaza to see the show.


There's a little thief in the house and he was caught in the act. Nothing is safe in the clutches of Butch's mouth


This morning we woke up to a little bit of snow on the ground. The weatherman says that light dussting of snow is a good thing right about now because it clears the air. Up here in the northwest during the winter season, our heating bill can get quite high especially with all of the snow we have been having. So what happens is there are many people who chop wood and use it in their wood burning stoves and fireplaces. Also we are still allowed to burn leaves outside. As a result, it is causing quite a bit of pollution in the air so the state of Washington has put a ban on the outdoor burning and the woodburning fireplaces for the time being.


When we were through with the observation deck, we headed downstairs to the gift shop to buy a little something for Mimi since she was quite upset at our going without her when I had a talk with her several days ago. However this evening when dad asked if she was going to miss us she said "Nah". Of course dad being the architect that he is picked out this gift. I agreed to it because Mimi really likes putting things such as puzzles together. Maybe there is an engineer or architect in her. It's going to be interesting to see how things will play out. Meanwhile by this time my foot was throbbing to where I smashed it. I took my shoe off only to find my pinky toe completely black and blue and swollen to the hilt. You never know how much your pinky toe means to you until you put it out of commission. EGADS!!!


When the dinner was over and the dancing got started, dad and I danced a couple of numbers before heading upstairs to the Observation Deck. The weatherman was right. It started to snow again. However, where we live it is a mixture of rain and snow. They also had a cool exhibit where you can turn the time dial with your finger and you can see what Seattle looks like any time of day.


Today started off with Mimi and dad going up to Snoqualmie by themselves for ski lessons. I spent my time getting pampered at the nail salon. Next thing I knew, my family came home and it was time to get ready for my date tonight. Actually it was dad's Christmas party at the Space Needle. Mimi is having a sleepover at Blake's house. While getting ready to go out the door, I stubbed my toe on the kitchen chair leg. Man did it hurt and I cussed like a sailor! "Dannit to hell!!" I cursed. It is a saying that I learned from my late Great Aunt Neva or Beba as I called her. By this time Mimi had already gone to Blake's house with the Papa John's pizza that I had ordered and was out of earshot. Greg says that it is what I get for kicking him in the butt all those years ago. Although I might add that it was an accident when I did that. Although I don't think that anyone believes me. Oh well que sera sera.


When 3:30 in the afternoon came around, it was time to pick up the kids from school. After doing so we headed back over to Blake's house to hang out some more. Then Mimi and I walked Zoe home and came home ourselves. I was quite tired and laid on the floor. Soon as Mimi came down from bathing, she decided that it would be fun to exercise with me on the floor. Mimi says "ok mom, now lower me down slowly and then push me back up". Mimi now weighs 40.5 lbs and man that is a work out. PHEW!


Yesterdat was the first time this year we moms were able to get together for our "Margarita Fridays". It was a really needed time for us to get together after dropping the kids off at school. Meanwhile the little ones were enjoying themselves dancing to Rascal Flatts in "Lightening McQueen".


Mimi: Guess what mom?
Mom: What?
Mimi: It's crazy hair day today!!!
Mom: Baby, everyday with you is crazy hair day!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


When Mimi was just a little tyke of 2 years old, it was all about mama. Now at 6, it's all about dad. She gets quite jealous of me when dad comes home from work and he kisses me first. "I get to kiss him first and kiss him the longest!" cries Mimi. Of course dad is just eating this all up with a pitch fork and that's as it should be with me.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Tonight there was a school function at Mimi's school called "Math Game Night". Unfortunately dad could not make it as he had other pressing things to do on his schedule plus the time was not convinient for him (5;30- 7:00). So as Mimi called it, it was a mother/daughter night. When we arrived, we saw Blake and Erin and their families already there. It was almost like a "Open House" only slightly different. The students of each grade were able to show the parents the math games they are learning in school as shown in the pictures above. We also were able to go to the computer lab and see what the students are doing on the computer. I also had a nice chat with Mimi's teacher Ms. Blevins. She says that Mimi is doing quite well in school and in her reading. We also had a nice chat with her music teacher Ms. Hinami. Mimi was quite happy to see all of her friends there tonight as well. Halliwell came a little later with her parents and both girls hugged as though they had not seen each other for ages and ages when in fact it was just a few hours earlier when school let out for the day.


Now I know that we are definitely living in the country. I found this sign along our main highway this morning.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


It's that time again people and everyone knows that I have a huge sign on my forehead that says SUCKER! Yep, that's right folks, I am a sucker for those Girl Scouts Cookies. Not only did dad buy them from the people at his office, the girls in our neighborhood know where to go and Eileen who is another piano student of Ms Celia's knows that I will buy them from her too. Young Katrina from down the street knows that I am also a sucker for the snickerdoodle cookie dough that she sells for her school. One good thing that I learned from my friend Eileen is that when we get the cookies and the cookie dough it that we can freeze them for a later day. She says that they tasted especially good during the summertime when the weather is hot and the cookies are nice and cold. mmmmmmmmm

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Mimi: Mom, what does "important" mean???
Mom: It means something is very special to you (it's the only way I could explain it to a 6 year old), like how you like strawberries.
Mimi: uh huh. Ok mom, I'm going to give a thumbs up if I like something. Ask me something.
Mom: Do you like your friends?
Mimi gave a two thumbs up.
Mom: How about your Disney Samantha?
Again two thumbs up.
Mom: How about Samantha's mom and dad, Allyn and Teri.
Another two thumbs up.
Mom: How about bananas and french fries?
This time it is two thumbs down. They are yucky according to Mimi.


He's baaaack!!! This is a picture that was taken at 4:30 this afternoon. It is leftover frost from this morning. At this very moment the sidewalk is glistening like glitter because of the frost and the sky is a magnificently clear sky with one huge shinning star. Unfortunately I was not able to get a picture of it as I don't have the right kind of camera for it. Mimi was outside making a wish for her friends to be happy and I am wishing that we go back to China ASAP.


What happens when two Capricorns live together??? All hell breaks loose that's what happens. This morning was going great until the inauguration was over. I was trying to get Mimi ready for gymnastics and trying to get her to practice her piano before leaving. All I end up doing is to start sounding like a broken record. All morning it was "Mimi get dressed" "ok mom". Then she would go right back to goofing off in her room still in her pj's. After what seemed like the millionth time and the clock still ticking, I let her have it. I told her that I was plenty upset with her and that I was going to make her life miserable for the day. If she wants to go to Blake's, the answer is NO, if Blake wants to come here the answer is NO, and we are NOT going to the movies like I had planned. Once we were in the car on our way to gymnastics, I was told by Mimi "When I get big, I am going on a trip and I'm never coming back!!! I'm going to live with Joe and Nicole!!!" Maybe I should warn Joe and Nicole about this. Maybe one day she will show up on their doorstep with her little suitcase in hand. Phew!!! What a little chili pepper we have on our hands. I still would not have it any other way though. Just the other day I explained to Mimi that on the 24th of this month she will be having a sleep over at Blake's house because her daddy and I are going to be at dad's office Christmas Party at the Space Needle. You should have seen those crocodile tears that flowed down her cute face. "But, but, but, I'm going to miss you" sobbed Mimi. "I'm going to miss you too. But you do like Keri don't you?" I asked. "uh huh" says Mimi. "Keri's real good to you isn't she?" I said. "Uh huh, but I'm still going to miss you" said a sobbing Mimi. How soon they forget. This past Christmas, she was given a Hannah Montana calendar and now it is hanging by her bed. On the 24th day it is marked with a "B" for sleepover with Blake.


This morning both Mimi and I watched the innauguration of our new President Barack Obama. We had a lovely discussion about being president of the United States. All of a sudden she says "he's a good speaker". "Yes he is" I said. Then she liked the part when I pointed out to her that we were just there this past fall when her cousin Joe got married. Although she does not know the words she does however know the fact that the Star Spangled Banner is "the song of America" and that the flag is "the flag of America."

Monday, January 19, 2009


Since Mimi and I spend about 95% of our time together, I wanted to do something special and a little out of the ordinary tonight. I wanted to spend some time with just us, no dad, no Blake, no one, just me 'n' Mimi. I figured that after gymnastics was over we would head out to South Center Mall for dinner and a movie. Mimi has been really wanting to see the movie Hotel For Dogs. So off we went. Unfortunately we arrived at the theater, we found out that the movie was not playing there. So we settled for a sushi (crab roll and dragon roll) and beef pad thai dinner followed by a good book at one of our favorite places - Borders Bookstore. While having dinner we saw Mimi's little friend Nira and her parents. So we all had a nice visit for a short while. They had just finished seeing the movie Bolt. Mimi and I had already seen it so she and Nira had a good long discussion about it.


No school today but there were other things to fill up our day. We started today off with our weekly piano lessons at Ms Celia's followed by some grocery shopping. Whoopee!!! Then it was time for my check up with the doc followed by home and lunch. As soon as lunch was done Mimi was getting a bit bored with my company so she decided to call all of her friends and the only one who was available to play was Blake. Those two always have a blast whenever they are together. Since there was so many snow days last month, Mimi has about 4 make-up gymnastics classes to do. Usually we do them on Mondays as soon as school lets out. This afternoon, Blake was really in every which way was wanting to come with us. I on the other hand as much as I love Blake wanted it to be just Mimi and myself. Mimi and I are together every single day but I wanted to have a special time with her after gymnastics. So yes, I was being selfish.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Nobody in our house is safe from the antics of a 6 year old little girl and her 6 month old puppy,
Tonight while I went to get ready for bed, Mimi was in her bathtub. I'm not sure if Butch wanted to take a bath with Mimi or if she wanted to take a bath with him. All I know is that when I came out of my bathroom both Mimi and Butch were running around wet as all get out. As you may have guessed it, our rug upstairs (especially in dad's office) was sopping wet. I also must mention to anyone coming to our house is that NO SHOE is safe with Butch around especially snow shoes with puff balls on them.


This card was sent to us this past Christmas by our very good friends Gini and David in California. It just had Mimi and her little cronies howling with so much laughter. David says that he had to appeal to the high intellectuals.


Boy howdy! Did the winds ever rip through our neighborhood last night! At this very moment it is so glorious outside with the clear blue skies and everything. You would not believe that last night night the winds were just a howl'in outside our window. The picture to the left is our neighbor's house across the street. The picture to the right is our backyard. There is also a ton of debris from the trees behind our house. I guess we have our work cut out for us.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


At the beginning of the school year, Mimi's class started to learn about the computer. Once a week they go to the computer lab at school. This year's birthday present from Uncle David and Auntie Setsue is this computer game. Both Uncle David and Auntie Setsue are professors at Old Dominion University and Mimi absolutely loves animals so put two and two together, this is what you will come up with. Man oh man does Mimi and her friends love it!!! Both Blake and Halliwell have borrowed this game to download on their computer at home. I have been told by Brandy that Halliwell will sit for a couple of hours just playing these games. Even Brandy and I love playing these games. Not only is it educational but oodles of fun too.


Today was Mimi's first day of ski school. Although it is not the first time she had attended a ski class. Dad got her all signed up then went to have some fun for himself for the next couple of hours. Meanwhile I made the trek back to the lodge to stake out a place for us and sat down to write out all of Mimi's thank you notes to her friends that came to her birthday party last week. That was loads of fun for me. While I was writing a whole group of 5-6 year old came and sat next to me. We had loads of fun talking about what they like and don't like. They really liked her Madagascar thank you notes. One of the dads that was there asked if I had any kids and I told him about our Mimi. He said "I kinda thought so. You seemed to be in tuned with everything they are saying." With Mimi, anything about body parts and the noises they make gets her and her friends just howling. Same with these kids. Then I found out about the snow tubing that is located next to the parking lot. Maybe next week I will dress more appropriately and then take Mimi tubing after her ski lessons. That should be lots of fun since I don't ski. On the way home I just remembered about the new casino that just opened up a few months ago. I mentioned to dad that we could stop by to see it since I love to play the slots. Although he did not say anything and just smiled at me, I knew that he was thinking to himself "put a cork in it". I shared with him a story from an acquaintance. It seems that Luster (her real name) loves to go to Muckleshoot Casino quite often and she had told me that she was given her statement of all her wins and losses for the past year. I don't know how much she won but her losses in total was $41,000.00. Dad said that if it had been me, it would have been sayonara mama-san. Lucky him, I am not that hard core.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Just this week, Mimi's class was given a reading project. Each student was given a book to take home to read. When they are completely able to read the book on their own, we the parents are to sign it off on a sheet that was sent home via of a baggie and then the student will get another book to read. At the beginning of the school year each student was encouraged to spend at least 10 minutes a day reading and they are to color a square on the reading log that is sent home each month. By the end of the month if the log is completed they receive a surprise. One month it was a Krispy Kreme doughnut. As part of this new reading program each student is able to use it as part of their reading log.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


My Ollie is just about the best cat there ever is. He so tolerant of Butchie and his ways. Butch loves to play with Ollie. Everytime Ollie takes a whack at Butch, Butch thinks that he is playing and just goes back for more.


Not only is Mimi up a tree, she is also getting her friends to join her.


Still freezing cold outside but man what a glorious day it was! It was way to nice to stay inside after school so off to the park we went. Mimi is now practicing on her new scooter that she received for this past Christmas.


Yestterday was my 39th birthday. Since Mimi is still somewhat recuperating, we spent a quiet evening at home and just ordered take out pizza and watched a grown up movie on tv. Mimi was asleep when dad came home with the pizza and when she awoke there was only one piece left. So needless to say we will be stopping at Costco tonight on our way to Herb's house for a piece of pizza. These were my birthday gifts that were given to me by dad, Janet, Keri and Shelley. The best one was by Mimi. The cuisinart was given be dad. I know that it is not real romantic but it can make for romantic nights.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Like mother like daughter. Years ago when I was a little girl of 4 years old, I distinctly remember the day when mom was still sleeping in the morning (like Mimi, I too was a earlier riser) and I decided that Teddy was in desperate need of a bath. Therefore I proceeded to get my mom's yellow bucket and fill it with cold water and put Teddy in it. There was water all over mom's kitchen floor. Needless to say when mom woke up and came downstairs to find this mess, she definitely was not a happy camper. Poor old Teddy was then hung outside on the clotheslines by his ears to dry. Just yesterday our dear sweet Mimi had the same thoughts as I did way back when. Only she used a way smaller bucket and did not make much of a mess even though she too used real water to bathe Ollie.


This morning both Mimi and I had a early dentist appointment before going over to Ms Celia's for piano lesson this week. The good news is we both have NO CAVITIES!!! To celebrate this auspicious occasion we went to Fred Meyer's for a sushi lunch. The dentist said that Mimi's 6 year molars have come in (something I knew already) and she should start to lose her first bottom front tooth possibly next month. By the time she turns 7 is when she will possibly lose her two front teeth.


Mimi: Mom, did you know that babies come out of tummies?
Mom: Oh really?
Mimi: But I can out of your heart and prayers.
Mom: That's right.

Mimi: Mom did you know that when your tooth comes out, the tooth fairy comes?
Mom: Oh really?
Mimi: Yeah, but she is really, really tiny. You can hardly see her. You put your tooth under the
pillow and she leaves some monies for you.
Mom: What about Butch (he's losing his puppy teeth), can we put his teeth under the pillow?
Mimi: Nah, it doesn't work for dogs.

Meanwhile Mimi is checking each and every tooth in her head to see if any of them are loose. Several of her friends and classmates have lost theirs already.


It seems as if my baby is turning into a teenager right before my very eyes. Just before turning 6 years old, Mimi started having this attitude of rolling her eyes up to the heavens and saying "whatever" then give a little huff. It's making me crazy. She has never had this attitude before and it's driving me nuts! It also seems that all of her cronies have the same attitude according to the other moms. I think it may be because all of her other classmates have older siblings living at home and ol' Blake has 9 year old Bubba living next door. Anyways I was informed today that Ms. Attitude is gone for a while. When I asked if ever she is coming back for a visit I got her usual answer of "I don't know". Sigh.....

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Mimi is feeling a bit better. Still has a cough though. As you can see we did not go to ski school today. Mimi is quite happy that today is a "pajama day" around our house. Dad called the ski school and we are able to make it up on another weekend day thank goodness. So that way we won't lose any of our hard earned money. Since Mimi is feeling a little better, I am putting her to work and having her purge her bedroom that is chock full of toys.

Friday, January 9, 2009


I tell you, when it rains at our house it POURS! With all that we have gone through this season with the snow, wind and rain and now flooding with the main highways and passes leading into Washington closed, family coming for the holidays, birthday parties me thinks Mimi is coming down with the virus. This morning I took her to see the MD for another reason (red spots on her back and tummy) no fever though. The doctor could not say exactly what it is since she has had all of her necessary immunization such as chicken pox and measles. He gave me some lame answer as that it might be something called fleck-u-litis or some such silly thing. I think he did not really know what it is and did not want to admit so as too not hurt his ego any. Mimi still had the energy as usual, eats like a chow hound. She is now 44 inches tall and 40.5 lbs. So we came home, had lunch and again Blake and Zoe went to school with us. After coming home from school she went up to bathe but did not take her usual one hour bath which should have given me a clue. We were to go to Sara's house this evening but cancelled it because when Mimi came downstairs in her pj's (another clue). Then the biggest clue of all came when I had her lie down for a while and SHE DID NOT FIGHT ME ON THIS SUBJECT! Biggest clue of all!!! Usually she will say "I'M NOT TIRED!!!" I usually kiss her on the forehead to see how warm she is and she was pretty warm so she downed some St. Joseph's aspirin along with some Sprite. Just now checked her temperature and it is 97. We'll have to see what happens tomorrow as she and dad are supposed to go up to Snoqualmie for some skiing. We'll have to see about that.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


There was actually a bit of a break in the gloom today. None the less it was still freeze your nunnies off cold with the winds still blowing at about 23 mph. Both Blake and Zoe's siblings have got the virus so I took all of the kids to school and back. On the way home Blake, Mimi and I stopped at our neighborhood park to play for a while. It is actually one of the very few times that Mimi could play outdoors this winter season. Almost forgot to mention that Butch came along for the walk too. We stayed at the park for as long as we could stand. We were there for all of 10 minutes then it was time to head home for the day.


ABC, do,re,mi, tic tac toe it's all in a row and it's back to school again or so the song goes. This week Mimi started back with the piano lessons, gymnastics, and kindergarten classes. She was sooooo excited because as she says "I can see my friends again!" Come this Saturday she will be starting ski classes up at Snoqualmie. Dad will be taking her for the next six weeks. This way while Mimi is in class, dad can do some skiing on his own.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Believe it or not, we actually made it on the internet news. With all of the snowfall we had last month, we are now going through a rain/wind storm. That brings on the flooding and avalanches. Although we do not live in Snoqualmie, Mimi is scheduled to go there for her ski lessons with dad come this Saturday. Unlike what we did while living in Southern California, we really watch the weather forecast religiously. Things could change in a heartbeat up here. It has rained non-stop since midnight Monday.


The most important point I want to make here is that I SURVIVED!!! And more importantly my house is still intact along with my sanity.


It is still raining like all get out. It's kind of crappy having a birthday in Jaunuary up here in Washington. Not much a 6 year old can do outside. So far so good. I had everything prepared by the time the kids arrived. Halliwell came early. Halliwell's mom Brandy had to make an emergency visit to the doctor. Apparently she fell yesterday and did more damage to her back. She is also pregnant with another baby boy as I found out yesterday. She was not eating much before and now she really cannot keep anything down. Like I said in previous blogs, I am so grateful that my little core of mom friends are always willing to help each other out. So today I am taking care of Halliwell until Brandy and John get home. All in all the kids are having a great time together despite that fact that the topic of discussion among 5 and 6 year olds have to do with bodily functions and the noise they make. As soon as lunch was over they all headed over to school. Round two of cake and ice cream will start in about an hour and a half when school lets out. YIKES!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


OK people, I now throw in the towel. I give up. Will this wild weather ever end???? I think that we the Putney's have survived the brunt of the winter storm. About 99.9% of the snow has melted and we are now in the midst of a rain/wind storm. At this moment it is raining like you wouldn't believe and the winds are blowing 23 mph and it is 49 degrees outside. Thank goodness for such wonderful friends and neighbors who will take your kid into their house after school. They love coming here too. It kind of breaks up the monotony of staying indoors at your own home everyday. Mimi at this moment is at Blake's house along with Halliwell.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


That's what Mimi says. Actually this is a very small hill on our what used to be front lawn. Blake, Mimi and Zoe has dubbed this hill Mt. Everest.

On the way home, we were very lucky. We were waiting to make a left turn at a T intersection. Our light was red and we were facing north. A truck was going from east to west made a right turn and he must have going at normal speed but in this weather one needs to drive at snail pace because of the ice on the road. As he turned, he nearly ran into us headon. He put his brakes on but he started to slide. Talk about your life flashing before your eyes! We came about a foot away from each other. The gods must be watching over us thank goodness.


Absolutely very scrumptious!!!!! I had this along with hibachi steak, Mimi ate the hibachi steak on the kid menu along with mom's soup, maguro sashimi, California roll and a piece of the Spider roll. Man how that girl can chow down is beyond me! Dad had filet mignon The food was excellent. This place is definitely a new favorite hangout for us.
Mimi remembers the time when we were down in California and had gone out to a sushi dinner with Samantha and her family. Out of the blue Mimi said "It's too bad Samantha can't be here for my birthday. She lives too far away." Gawd what a memory that child has!


Salute to the birthday girl!!!



Mimi has always been a magnet for boys ages from 0-100 years old. Tonight was no exception. While sitting in the waiting area at Mizu, Mimi met a two year old by the name of Vincent. It was love at first sight for both of them especially Vincent.