Monday, March 31, 2008
We have been having a humungous amount of strange weather. Sunshine, snow, rain and more snow, now more rain with a patch of sunshine here and there. Due to the weird weather, plus Mimi getting sick last week, we have yet to get out to our neighborhood park. That is until this afternoon. Blake and his family decided that they wanted to walk with Mimi and mama to the park before Mimi had to go to school. Once arriving at the park both Mimi and Blake went running to the playset equipted with slide, bridge and monkey bars. Much to mama's surprise, Mimi is now able to reach the bars without mama giving her a boost up. Now only that, she can cross one bar at a time by herself about half way across the length of the bars!!! She must have been practicing on the bars at school without my knowledge. Needless to say it was the highlight of my day.
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Although it is springtime up here in the northwest, it is still way too cold for the little tykes to go out and play. Plus it is wet from the melting snow. After taking a bath this morning and putting on her power ranger suit, Mimi and mama sat at the computer to catch up on the e-mails and blogs. We always enjoy reading Samantha's blog and reading about the antics that her and her family are up to these days. It makes missing our friends a little less painful. Mama always like to find out about free learning websites for Mimi. On Samantha's blog it had mentioned We tried it out and Mimi loves it. As of now, I am getting bugged about getting off the computer so that the girl can play her games. So tootles for now.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Within a 24 hour period up here in the northwest, we have experienced rain, snow, sunshine, hail and now sunshine again. I sometimes wish that Mother Nature would make up her mind but as the saying goes, it is a woman's perogative to change it now and then.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Mimi woke up early as usual this morning. Papa said that he was not sure if he would go into the office today as he feels that he is coming down with the same viral infection as Mimi.
So when Mimi could not get the tv channel that she wanted, she came in to ask mama to help her. Mama said that there will be no tv this morning to which Mimi asked the universal question of all 5 year olds "WHY?" Mama replied that papa was not feeling well. "OK then, can I play on the computer?" the girl asked. OK mama said.
Papa decided that he would go into the office today. So when he went to say good-bye to the child her reply was "Good luck dad!" Then sent him off with a smile.
Later in the day mama had called papa to see how he was feeling then hung up the phone. Mimi was quite upset that mama did not let her talk. So therefore she called him back then let Mimi talk. The next thing mama heard was Mimi telling papa "I didn't want to talk to you! I wanted to talk to Blake!" Poor papa, he is the lowest man on the totempole that is until he comes home, then Mimi is all over him with hugs and kisses.
So when Mimi could not get the tv channel that she wanted, she came in to ask mama to help her. Mama said that there will be no tv this morning to which Mimi asked the universal question of all 5 year olds "WHY?" Mama replied that papa was not feeling well. "OK then, can I play on the computer?" the girl asked. OK mama said.
Papa decided that he would go into the office today. So when he went to say good-bye to the child her reply was "Good luck dad!" Then sent him off with a smile.
Later in the day mama had called papa to see how he was feeling then hung up the phone. Mimi was quite upset that mama did not let her talk. So therefore she called him back then let Mimi talk. The next thing mama heard was Mimi telling papa "I didn't want to talk to you! I wanted to talk to Blake!" Poor papa, he is the lowest man on the totempole that is until he comes home, then Mimi is all over him with hugs and kisses.
Thursday, March 27, 2008

It had snowed all last night and into this morning. The sun came out this afternoon and the sky is amazingly a gorgeous blue color with a few clouds This is a picture of Mimi's girlfriends on their way home from school. Left to right is Sidney and sister Janae, Maddie and sister Marissa.
The weatherman says that we are expected to get more snow and rain tonight. So far they have been right on target with their predictions.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

While our friends are having BBQ weather down on So. Cal. We are having a snow day. The weatherman was right for once. The past few days have been quite clear. Last night it started to snow up in them thar hills. Then this evening it started to snow at the lower levels. Maple Valley is located at the 500 foot level. It started snowing so much that the neighborhood gals Gabby (left) and Jordan (right) was out having fun having a snowball fight. The snow is coming down harder as I look out our office window. According to the weather report, this snow is to continue for the next couple of days. I'm sure that the kids will be happy if it still snows tomorrow and there is no school.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008


It's amazing, our Mimi who we consider an absolute Einstiein and very bright child comes up with something like this. Her new schtick now is going around the house and saying blah, blah, blah while trying to do tricks with her tongue such as curling it.
She also is starting to get into the knock knock jokes.
Papa: Knock, knock.
Mimi: Who's there?
Papa: Orange.
Mimi: Orange who?
Papa: Orange you going to let me in?
Then they both fall off their chairs laughing on to the floor.
Monday, March 24, 2008

Just in case you are wondering about the picture in the background, it is a picture of mama and papa on their first big date to Disneyland on Saturday July 11, 1994 (papa's birthday). It was a great day that day. Everything that we had planned for that day just fell into place.

Much to mama's surprise, this is what she found when she went out to the garage this afternoon to get the broom. Papa must have put it up yesterday when he was working out there. It most definitly put a smile on her face.
We must soon start looking into getting mama a new car. The lease on our CRV is almost up. Still not quite sure what kind of vehicle to get. I would like to have one that is environmentally friendly, gas efficient, and a roomy SUV but not as big as Keri and Wade's "Dinali".

Mimi says that she is feeling much better today. Her temperature has gone completely way down to normal. However she is vomiting small amounts of clear fluid. So it is possible that she may have a touch of the stomach flu. It has been going around the neighborhood lately. Blake, Bailey and Izzy all went through it recently. Mimi I think just caught the tail end of it thank goodness. Other than the little vomiting she is doing this morning, she is back to asking a gazillion questions and giving mama zerbits. Our plan today is to take it easy and drink plenty of fluids. Thank goodness Mimi enjoys eating the small Japanese Jello that mama buys at the Asian market.

Up until this afternoon she seemed perfectly fine. Once lunch was over, she decided to lay down and take a nap. When she awoke, mama saw that her cheeks were quite rosey in color. I guess for most kids it looks good on them but not our Mimi. Sure enough she had a temperature of 101. Therefore papa went to grandma and grandpa's house for dinner by himself.
Mama stayed home with Mimi. Mama then gave Mimi some St. Joseph's aspirin and lots of fluids. The temperature did spike up to 103.1 Mama then put Mimi in the tub and cooled her off with cool tepid water, another dose of St. Joseph's and ice packs and more fluids. Now the temperature is coming down back to 101 thank goodness.
Mimi does say that she feels much better. She is now sleeping peacefully. Mama in the meantime is still up and checking in on her every 10 minutes changing the cold washcloths to her neck and head.
There will definitely be no school for tomorrow.
Saturday, March 22, 2008

For quite some time, papa had been wanting to try out this Thai restaurant in nearby Covington. It was ok, nothing to rave about. We were so spoiled by Siam Best in Marina Del Rey.
Usually when we get ready to go out, this is mama's conversation with Mimi.
Mimi: Mom, are you coming or what?!
Mama: I'm coming Mimi.
Mimi: If you don't come, I'm going to have to call 911. That's an emergency you know.
You never know what she is going to say next.

For the past two weeks, mama has been hard at work getting her flower garden started in between taking Mimi to gymnastic school and pre-school and between the rains and drizzle that we have been having lately.
First she is getting the perrinials started then maybe once everything is set the way she wants it, she will work on planting annuals.
Papa had suggested that mama should line the flower bed with some type of border. Since becoming a stay at home mom, mama is having to be strict with the finances. So therefore on the way to taking Mimi to school one day she saw quite a few rocks. They are still in the process of building more homes here. So there are plenty of rocks to go around. Mama has come to be known as the "Rock Lady". She has been hauling rocks in Mimi's wagon and linning them all around our huge backyard flower bed.
Today while shopping at Home Depot, mama saw some cobblestones for sale for almost $3.00 a piece. She figured that she saved approximately $500.00 worth of stone.
The hard part about planting is when I dig about 3 inches into the dirt, I hit rock and stone. Papa says that since we live quite close to Mt. Rainier (volcano that no longer erupts), is the reason for the stone and rocks. It is hardened lava from the past.

The good news is now Mimi and Blake are back to playing like brother and sister again. Just as goofy as can be. After coming home from the movies, Mimi took a two hour nap then dinner then it was time to play with Blake again. This evening after dinner Blake came over to play for a while then we all went over to Blake's. When we arrived at Blake's we found out our other friends Lisa and her family plus Ben and Brian were there also. Mimi was in 7th heaven. Not only did she have Blake to play with but Bubba as well.
The bad news is that this evening mama found out from our good friend Maggi that another one of our good friends Mary Ann has Lymphoma of the neck glands.
Friday, March 21, 2008

This morning while Mimi played at Blake's, mama took all of the forms to Mimi's new school for this September enrollment into kindergarten.
When that was all done, Keri and mama took the kids for lunch at Johnnie Rockets and a movie at the Kent Station AMC theater where we saw Horton Hears A Who. Cute movie. The kids seemed to like it.
Everyone was quite tired and grump butts by the time it was time to go home. Blake is our adopted son and brother to Mimi. They play hard and fight hard. On the way home, Mimi was keeping herself entertained with a Christmas gift wrap roll and Blake wanted to take it away from her. Mimi says to him "Leave me alone!!!" To which started him crying and whinning. Then one could hear Mimi say "Oh alright! What's your problem?!"
In the meantime baby sister Bailey started crying because she had lost her Binkey somewhere in the car and we could not stop to find it. Mama Keri says that as soon as she gets home, she is taking a trip to wineville which is what this mama will do tonight.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Mimi still loves to listen to Alvin and the Chipmunks and their version of "Funky Town". Whenever we get ready to enter Maple Valley from any of the nearby towns , Mimi will say "Mama, we're going into Funky Town!!!"Then she'll say "Mama, say, you got that right babe!!!" Cracks me up everytime.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

When we got home, she went to lie down. Mama thought that she was through with the corn dog since she saw Mimi throw the stick away. When mama realized how quiet the house was, she went to check on Mimi and this is what she found. So she gently took the hot dog out of the mouth. Not to worry folks, she was breathing fine during this whole time. Scared mama for a few minutes though.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Last night we got together for our monthly playdate at Godfather's Pizza in Auburn. The girls and Tai (the only boy in the group) really had a good time especially when playing air hockey. One of the mom's there (Angie) had mentioned to us about a private Mandarin class very close to Green River College that we are going to check out this next Saturday. Mimi really likes watching Ni Hao Kai Lan in the morning before going to school. So she is learning a little bit of Chinese. So now we'll have to see how this Mandarin class will play out for us.
On the weekend of July 11th (papa's birthday) the FCC up here is going to sponser their annual Heritage Camp weekend. We possibly may go and meet together with other China families. We already know that our new friend Rhonda and her two girls will be going again this year.
Friday, March 14, 2008

Our Mimi bless her little heart has the energy of 5 kids. She is still in the "Why" phase. She will ask a gazillion questions then when you tell her the answer she will ask the universal question "WHY?" Mama then answers with the universal answer, "Because I said so!" Therefore by the end of the week after everyone is in bed, mama settles down with her friend (a glass of wine) and unwinds.
This morning Mimi had her 5 year old wellness exam and immunization shots. Everything was going so smoothly UNTIL the nurse brought in the injections, 4 shots in all. Being that our Mimi will most likely always be petite (40% range in both height-41.5 inches and weight-37lbs), the nurse gave all the shots in her thighs (2 for each thigh). Mimi wailed like a banshee. Mama had to hold her down tight and it nearly broke her heart to see her baby cry like that.
As soon as the visit was over, we headed right over to the Dairy Queen for a vanilla ice cream cone. Mimi soon felt much better.
As soon as the visit was over, we headed right over to the Dairy Queen for a vanilla ice cream cone. Mimi soon felt much better.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This was our conversation on the way home after gymnastic school and a trip to the Covington Nursery.
Mama: Mimi, when we get home I would like you to go upstairs and go lay down and take a nap for a while OK?
Mimi: But I don't want to. I'm not tired.
Mama: Yes I know but I would still like for you to lay down for a while.
Mimi: But I'm not sleepy.
Mama: You have a choice, either lie down on your bed or sit in your time our chair.
Mimi: I want to sit in YOUR TIME OUT CHAIR.
Looking at the picture, I rest my case. Mama always knows best.
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